Author Nachricht

16.07.2009 09:33

hehe.... also ich finds fair, wie es sit

15.07.2009 23:33

Anttu, I really understand what you mean.
But if you begin to count in another way it is not quite as unfair as you think.

You said... Person A wins Prolog and gets 500 Points, you win stage 2 and get 200 points. The difference ist 300 points by online 15 people less.

But you forgot to count your rank in the prolog.
Perhaps you are in position 5 in the prolog (this would make another 200 points) and Person A make position 5 on stage 2 (this would make only 70 points).
So Person A has 570 points, you have 400 points. The difference is now by only 170 and not 300 points, like you count it. Think about it. You have to watch at more than only the first place.

The system is very fair, because you get more points, if you win against more competitors, and you also get mor points, if you get a good position, when there are more competitors.

15.07.2009 21:59

Thanks, I'm really proud about my 200 pts!
Flaschen Sammler

15.07.2009 19:31

Congratiolation with your victory today Anttu,
you have got 200 points for it

13.07.2009 17:54

Never change a winning/succesfully betting game !

I read that Live-Cup was creat by girlfriend from
boss of this site.

The borderline between 200 and 500 points, thats
the big deal.

Livecup is like poker game.

13.07.2009 17:21

I fully agreew with Anttu.
Maybe a possible solution could be that the winner always gets the total number of participants as winning points.
runner up receives 80% of it, third one 65%.
And further scaled down in certain percentage proportions so that approx. the first 30% of participants get points and the last 70% no points (yes, then I would probably have no points at all in this year's Tour so far... )

But at the end, it's not about winning...