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16.10.2010 | ||
NewsFlash - Aktuelles, Twitter & weitere NeuigkeitenInfo: TOUR DE FRANCE 2010Autor: Roman Sikorra (freire) & Leon Senner (Leon) Die Straßensaison im Radsport neigt sich dem Ende entgegen und auch der Live-Radsport NewsFlash wird sich nun einen kleinen Winterschlaf gönnen und erstmal eine Pause einlegen. Sonntag, 17. Oktober 07:00 In Belgien wurde heute Abend die "Trofee van de Nieuwsblad Flandrien" verliehen. Ein Preis speziell für Radsportler. In der Kategorie der belgischen Männer Elite gewann Lombardei Sieger Philippe Gilbert vor Tom Boonen und Jurgen van den Broeck. Bester internationaler Profi wurde Fabian Cancellara. Weitere Preise gingen an Liesbet De Vocht (Elite Frauen), Yannick Eijssen (Männer u23), Jasper Stuyven (Männer Junioren) und Joachim Vanreyten (bester Neuling). 06:30 Ein unschönes Saisonende gibt es für Jan Bakelants (Omega Pharma) und Francesco di Paolo (Acqua & Sapone). Beide stürzten während der Lombardei Rundfahrt. Der Belgier Bakelants brach sich den linken Arm und di Paolo den Oberschenkel 06:00 Nachdem in den letzten Tagen bekannt wurde, dass der Giro d'Italia 2011 erneut den Monte Zoncolan ansteuert, ist nun auch die Cima Coppi, die höchste Bergwertung, bekannt. Es geht auf den 2236 Meter hohen Passo di Giau. Mit mehreren schweren Bergen (u.a. noch dem Passo Fedaia) könnte diese Etappe zur Königsetappe des Giros werden. Samstag, 16. Oktober 06:00 Manche Fahrer der Operacion Puerto konnten unbehelligt weiterfahren, andere wurden gesperrt und wiederum andere verschwanden in der Versenkung, wie zum Beispiel Francisco Mancebo. Nun schreibt newcyclingpathway.com, dass Mancebo erst von seinem sportlichen Leiter Eusebio Unzue dazu gedrängt wurde zu Fuentes zu gehen und dann dort oft nur mit Placebos "gedopt" wurde. Dies zumindest sagt José Luis Merino Batres (führte in seinem Labor Dopingtests für Fuentes durch), welcher den Betrug an Mancebo immer noch sehr bedauert. 06:00 Fahrerstreik abgesagt? Es scheint als habe ein Fahrerstreik gegen Ettore Torri vor der Lombardei-Rundfahrt keine 100% Rückendeckung unter den Fahrern. Unter anderem zeigten sich HTC-Profi Marco Pinotti und Garmin-Manager Jonathan Vaughters nicht sehr begeistert von dieser Aktion. Für Ersatz ist allerdings auch schon gesorgt. So werden einige Fahrer Sticker mit der Aufschrift "Io corro con il cuore" (Ich fahre mit meinem Herzen) auf ihren Helmen aufkleben. Freitag, 15. Oktober 06:00 Die Lombardei Rundfahrt wird am Samstag aufgrund eines Fahrerstreiks mit zehn Minuten Verspätung beginnen. Grund dafür sind die Aussagen des Chefanklägers des italienischen Olympischen Komittees Ettore Torri. Dieser hatte letzte Woche jeden Fahrer des Dopings bezichtigt. Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 06:00 Der amerikanische Radhersteller Specialized wird auch im kommenden Jahr das Team Astana mit Rädern beliefern. Ein zusätzliches Engagement beim Team HTC - Highroad ist deshalb aber noch nicht ausgeschlossen, in diesem Jahr war Specialized Lieferant für Astana und Saxo Bank. Das neugegründete Team Pegasus wird im nächsten Jahr auf Rädern der Marke Scott fahren. Scott beliefert bis zum Jahresende noch HTC - Columbia. Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 06:00 Durch den Gewinn der Campionato Italiano, einer nationalen Rennserie in Italen, hat das Team Androni Giocattoli bereits jetzt eine Wildcard für den Giro d'Italia 2011 sicher. Die Italienrundfahrt 2011 wird am 23. Oktober in Turin vorgestellt. Dienstag, 12. Oktober 06:00 Niki Terpstra wird Ende Oktober bei den Sixdays in Amsterdam am Start stehen. Sein Partner ist kein Geringerer als der Schweizer Franco Marvulli. Zusammen wollen sie die Vorjahressieger Roger Kluge und Robert Bartko vom Thron stoßen. Montag, 11. Oktober 06:00 Wenige Tage bevor die Straßensaison in Europa ihr Ende findet, musste Luis Angel Mate seine Saison schon beenden. Der Androni Fahrer brach sich das Schlüsselbein. Über das Saisonende freuen dürfte sich hingegen Davide Malarcarne (Quick Step). Der junge Italiener leidet seit einigen Monaten am Pfeifferschen Drüsenfieber, was auch erklären sollte, warum der Gewinner einer Etappe der Katalonien-Rundfahrt nach gutem Saisonbeginn in der zweiten Saisonhälfte schwächer unterwegs war. Sonntag, 10. Oktober 06:00 Am Ende seiner sportlichen Karriere wird Lance Armstrong zu seinen Anfängen zurückkehren. 15 Monate nach seiner letzten Tour de France möchte der Amerikaner am Ironman Triathlon auf Hawaii starten. Ob die Tour de France 2010 allerdings seine letzte sei, ließ Armstrong dieses Mal offen, nachdem er im Juli verkündet hatte, nie wieder bei der Tour de France zu starten. Samstag 9. Oktober Der Baske Koldo Fernandez ist bei Paris-Bourges schwer gestürzt. Der Euskaltel Fahrer brach sich unter anderem das Schlüsselbein und verlor drei Zähne. 06:00 Alessandro Colo (ehemals ISD - Neri) wurde heute vom CONI für ein Jahr gesperrt. Colo wurde bei der letzten Mexiko Rundfahrt positiv auf Clenbuterol getestet, der gleiche Wirkstoff also, welcher Alberto Contador momentan einige Probleme bereitet. Freitag, 8. Oktober 06:00 Der frischgebackene Weltmeister Thor Hushovd wird sein neues Regenbogentrikot am 14 Oktober beim Giro del Piemonte und am 16. Oktober bei der Lombardei Rundfahrt erstmals im Rennen tragen. Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 06:00 Das Bekleidungsunternehmen Columbia wird den Sponsorenvertrag mit dem Team HTC - Columbia nicht verlängern. Das Team des US-Amerikaners Bob Stapelton wird im nächsten Jahr HTC - High Road heißen. 06:00 Für Vacansoleil gibt es hingegen einen zusätzlichen Sponsor. Im nächsten Jahr wird das Team Vacansoleil-DCM heißen. Der belgische Düngemittelhersteller unterschrieb für drei Jahre. Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 06:00 Einer der sportlichen Leiter des Cervelo Test Teams, Jean-Paul van Poppel, wechselt zur neuen Saison zum Team Vacansoleil. 06:00 Der Australier Jack Bobridge hat am ersten Tag der Commonwealth Games die Goldmedaille in der Einerverfolgung gewonnen. Der Garmin Profi setzte sich gegen Jesse Sergent (Neuseeland) und Michael Hepburn (Australien) durch. Dienstag, 5. Oktober 06:00 Alexandr Vinokourov will sich im nächsten Jahr noch einmal auf den Gesamtsieg der Tour de France fokussieren. Der Kasache baut dabei vor allem auf die Hilfe von Astana Neuzugang Roman Kreuziger. Der Tscheche soll dafür die Kapitänsrolle beim Giro d'Italia einnehmen, welchen Vinokourov 2011 auslassen möchte. Montag, 4. Oktober 06:00 Mark Renshaw ist der nächste hochkarätige Fahrer, der die Commonwealth Games in Indien absagt. Anfang des Jahres litt der Australier am Pfeifferschen Drüsenfieber und er wolle sich nun mehr der Erholung widmen. Renshaw wird vom neuen u23 Weltmeister Michael Matthews ersetzt. Sonntag, 3. Oktober 06:00 Der 68 Jährige Bruno Genevois wird Pierre Bordry als Vorsitzender der französischen Antidoping Agentur ablösen. Bordy war Ende September zurückgetreten, als Gründe nannte er unter anderem das zu geringe Budget, welches effektive Dopingbekämpfung nicht zu lasse. Samstag, 2. Oktober 06:00 Die spanische Mountainbikerin Marga Fullana wurde bei der MTB-Weltmeisterschaft in Kanada vor einem Monat positiv auf Epo getestet. Fullana war mehrfache Weltmeisterin und gewann die Bronzemedaille bei den Olympischen Spielen 2000. Freitag, 1. Oktober 06:00 Das italienische Team Liquigas Doimo wird im nächsten Jahr Liquigas Cannondale heißen. Der US-amerikanische Radhersteller ist bereits seit vier Jahren der Radsponsor des Teams. In Zukunft möchte man noch enger zusammenarbeiten und auch neue Produkte durch die Fahrer testen lassen. Donnerstag, 30. September 06:00 Robert Hunter (Garmin) wird nicht an der WM in Australien teilnehmen. Dies entschied der Südafrikaner nach einer Besichtigung des Kurses, den Hunter für zu selektiv hielt. An den demnächst stattfindenden Commonwealth Games wird er jedoch teilnehmen. Mittwoch, 29. September 06:00 Der Schweizer Hubert Schwab hat seine Karriere beendet. Er wird sich nun seinem Studium in Basel widmen. Dienstag, 28. September 06:00 Die beiden Teams Ceramica Flaminia und de Rosa werden zum nächsten Jahr fusionieren. Als Teamanager soll Fabio Bordonali (momentan de Rosa) fungieren. Über mögliche Fahrer des Teams ist noch nichts bekannt. Montag, 27. September 06:00 Der erst 22-jährige Däne Daniel Kreutzfeldt wird seine Karriere beenden. Er hat nicht mehr genügend Motivation für den Radsport und wird nun Elektriker. Sonntag, 26. September 18:20 Grischa Janorschke vom Team Nutrixxion Sparkasse hat die dritte Austragung des City Giro in Rellingen gewonnen. Zweiter auf dem 66 Runden langen Rundkurs wurde der Tscheche Jan Simek vor Andreas Stauff. Grischa Janorschke und Jan Simek konnten sich kurz nach dem Start absetzen und schafften es dem Feld eine Runde abzunehmen. 06:00 Mit Xacobeo zieht sich ein weiterer Sponsor aus dem Radsport zurück. Das Team Xacobeo Galicia wird aller Voraussicht nach aufgelöst. Hoffnung gibt es allerdings für das Team Bbox. Am Montag möchte Jean-René Bernaudeau sich zu der Sponsorensuche äußern. Als ein möglicher Sponsor für 2011 gilt auch die Bank Caisse d'Epargne, welche momentan noch das spanische Team von Eusebio Unzue sponsert. Samstag, 25. September 06:00 Neben der Rallye Dakar wird im nächsten Jahr noch ein weiteres A.S.O. Event in Argentinien stattfinden. Der Veranstalter der Tour de France wird eine viertägige Rundfahrt im Oktober in Argentinien ausrichten. 06:00 Mit Gregory Henderson hat schon der fünfte Sky Fahrer seine Teilnahme an den Commonwealth Games abgesagt. Ihm seien einige Risiken zu groß, unter anderem mögliche Seuchen nach Taifunen. Vor Henderson hatten bereits Ian Stannard, Ben Swift, Geraint Thomas und Peter Kennaugh abgesagt. Freitag, 24. September 06:00 Die Organisatoren der Vuelta a Espana möchten die Spanienrundfahrt im nächsten Jahr gerne eine Woche früher starten lassen. Eine diesbezügliche Anfrage wurde bereits an die UCI gerichtet. Die Veranstalter versprechen sich dadurch mehr mediale Aufmerksamkeit, mehr Zuschauer an der Strecke und ein besseres Starterfeld. Donnerstag, 23. September 06:00 Diesen Sonntag steht die Generalprobe für das Straßenrennen der Herrenelite der Weltmeisterschaft am 3. Oktober an. Beim Herald Sun World Cycling Classic werden unter anderem Simon Gerrans, Philippe Gilbert und Edvald Boasson Hagen sowie das komplette Aufgebot Italiens an den Start gehen und dabei den Rundkurs der Offenen Australischen Meisterschaften abfahren. Am Start stehen zudem einige Fahrer der U23-Klasse, welche ebenfalls einen letzten Test für die Weltmeisterschaft bestreiten wollen. Auch ein Frauenrennen findet statt. Mittwoch, 22. September 06:00 Das Team Androni Giocattoli wird im nächsten Jahr auf Bianchi Rädern unterwegs sein. In diesem Jahr hatte die italienische Traditionsmarke noch Flaminia unterstützt. 06:00 Nach dem Verlust von Teamkapitän Ezequiel Mosquera muss sich Xacobeo nun auch nach einem neuen sportlichen Leiter umschauen. Alvaro Pino wird seine "Karriere" am Ende des Jahres beenden, um mehr Zeit mit seiner Familie zu verbringen. Dienstag, 21. September 06:00 Als eine der letzten großen Nationen haben die USA nun ihr Aufgebot für die Weltmeisterschaft komplett. Das Team im Überblick: Tyler Farrar, Ted King, Craig Lewis, Jason McCartney, Danny Pate, Tom Peterson, Tejay Van Garderen, Christian Vande Velde und David Zabriskie. Im Zeitfahren werden Tejay van Garderen und David Zabriskie an den Start gehen. Montag, 20. September 06:00 Fabian Cancellara wird sich am Dienstag entscheiden, ob er das Zeitfahren der Weltmeisterschaft auslässt oder wie eigentlich geplant an den Start geht. Nach der überraschenden Niederlage im Zeitfahren der Vuelta a Espana waren dem Schweizer Zweifel über seine Form gekommen und er überlegt nun, ob es besser wäre sich voll und ganz auf das Straßenrennen zu konzentrieren. Sonntag, 19. September 06:00 Es scheint, als ob die Trikots, die das Team Radioshack auf der letzten Etappe der Tour de France trug, doch noch ein Nachspiel für das Team haben könnten. So soll die UCI überlegen die neun Tour de France Starter des Teams für zwei Monate zu sperren. Samstag, 18. September 06:00 Damiano Cunego wird nicht an der Lombardei Rundfahrt teilnehmen. Der dreimalige Gewinner des "Rennen der fallenden Blätter" wird stattdessen nach dem Giro di Toscana am 26. September seine Saison beenden. In der nächsten Saison will sich Cunego wieder mehr auf Eintagesrennen konzentrieren und wird nicht am Giro d'Italia teilnehmen. Freitag, 17. September 06:00 Igor Anton wird sich auch im nächsten Jahr auf die Spanienrundfahrt konzentrieren. Ein Start beim Giro d'Italia ist aber nicht ausgeschlossen. Euskaltel überlegt nach zwei Jahren wieder an der Italienrundfahrt teilzunehmen. Donnerstag, 16. September 06:00 Richie Porte wird nicht an den Commonwealth Games in Neu-Delhi teilnehmen. Der Australier bekam keine Freigabe von seinem Team Saxo Bank. An der Ende September stattfindenden Weltmeisterschaft in Australien wird Porte aber teilnehmen. Mittwoch, 15. September 06:00 Die Organisatoren der zwei kanadischen ProTour Rennen denken laut über ein drittes Rennen nach. Dies könnte nach Meinung der Organisatoren am Montag vor dem GP Quebec in Boston stattfinden. Man werde das Gespräch mit der UCI suchen. Dienstag, 14. September 06:00 Laurent Jalabert hat den Kader Frankreichs für die Weltmeisterschaft bekanntgegeben. Für das Straßenrennen sind vorgesehen: William Bonnet, Sylvain Chavanel, Romain Feillu , Cyril Gautier, Anthony Geslin, Sébastien Hinault und Yoann Offredo. Im Zeitfahren werden Chavanel und Vogondy an den Start gehen. Montag, 13. September 06:00 Ryder Hesjedal wird nicht an der WM in Australien teilnehmen. Für den Kanadier steht nach einer langen Saison die Regeneration im Vordergrund. Sonntag, 12. September 06:00 Für Kolumbien werden folgende fünf Fahrer starten: Mauricio Ardila, Leonardo Duque, Cayetano Sarmiento, José Serpa und Rigoberto Urán. 06:00 Marokko wird mit Adnane Aarbia, Tarik Chaoufi, Mohammed Said El Ammoury, Adil Jelloul, Mouhssine Lahsaini und Abdelatif Saadoune an den Start der Weltmeisterschaft gehen. Samstag, 11. September 06:00 Das Team Xacobeo Galicia wird auch im Jahr 2011 im Peloton unterwegs sein. Nun soll auch ein neuer Vertrag mit Ezequiel Mosquera geschlossen werden. Freitag, 10. September 06:00 Das russische ProTour Team Katusha möchte diesen Winter ein eigenes Cross Team auf die Beine stellen. Auch in den Frauenradsport und den Mountainbikebereich möchte man invenstieren. Welche Fahrer im Cross Team fahren werden, ist noch nicht bekannt. 06:00 Wie Alberto Contador wird Robert Gesink im nächsten Jahr an der Tour de France und der Vuelta a Espana teilnehmen. Donnerstag, 9. September 06:00 Der UCI Präsident Pat McQuaid hätte nichts dagegen, wenn die Weltmeisterschaft 2015 auch außerhalb Europa stattfindet und bringt die Stadt Quebec, in der am Freitag das erste ProTour Rennen in Amerika stattfindet, als Austragungsort ins Gespräch. Die Weltmeisterschaft 2010 findet in Geelong, Australien statt. 2011 geht es nach Kopenhagen (Dänemark), 2012 nach Limburg (Niederlande) und für 2013 wird eine Weltmeisterschaft in Italien bevorzugt. Mittwoch, 8. September 06:00 Das dänische Continental Team Designa Køkken-Blue Water muss am Ende des Jahres den Betrieb einstellen. Man hat es nicht geschafft genügend Sponsoren zu akquirieren. 06:00 Das britische Team Sky möchte mit besonderen Trikots auf eine eigene Regenwald Stiftung aufmerksam machen. Hier ein Bild von Bradley Wiggins mit dem neuen Trikot: Link 06:00 Peter Sagan sowie Peter und Martin Velits sind die drei Starter im Straßenrennen für die Slowakei. Dienstag, 7. September 06:00 Für das letzte Rennen im World Calender, die Lombardei Rundfahrt, wurden nun die WildCards vergeben. Folgende Teams erhalten eine Wildcard: Acqua & Sapone, Androni Giocattoli, Bbox Bouygues Telecom, Carmiooro NGC, Cervelo TestTeam, Cofidis, Colnago-CSF Inox und ISD-Neri. Die beiden ProTour Mannschaften Radioshack und Footon Servetto wurden hingegen nicht berücksichtigt und dürften ebenso nicht starten wie das neue Team von Riccardo Ricco, Vacansoleil. Montag, 6. September 06:00 Filippo Pozzato steht im Verdacht der Steuerhinterziehung. Die Behörden zweifeln seinen Wohnort Monaco an. Der Italiener bestreitet die Vorwürfe aber und gibt an, wirklich in Monaco zu wohnen und das Fürstentum nicht nur als Wohnort anzugeben, um Steuern zu sparen. 06:00 José Luis Arrieta (Ag2r) wird am Saisonende seine 18-jährige Profikarriere beenden. Der Spanier fuhr im Laufe seiner Karriere nur für zwei Teams und startete bei über 20 Grands Tours. Sein größter Erfolg ist ein Etappensieg bei der Vuelta a Espana 2006. Sonntag, 5. September 06:00 Mit Nicholas Roche als Kapitän geht Irland in das Straßenrennen der Weltmeisterschaft. Unterstützt wird Roche dabei von David McCann und Matt Brammeier. Im Zeitfahren geht David McCann an den Start. Der Ire belegte im letzten Jahr den zehnten Platz beim Sieg von Fabian Cancellara. Samstag, 4. September 06:00 Mit einem starken Aufgebot geht Slowenien in die Weltmeisterschaften in Australien. Mit dabei sind unter anderem die Sprinter Grega Bole und Borut Bozic. Im Zeitfahren geht Janez Brajkovic an den Start. Das komplette Aufgebot: Grega Bole (Lampre), Borut Bozic (Vacansoleil), Janez Brajkovic (Radioshack), Jure Kocjan (CarmioOro-NGC), Kristjan Koren (Liquigas), Simon Spilak (Lampre) und Gorazd Stangelj (Astana). 06:00 Nach dem Tod des Sky-Masseurs Txema Gonzalez wird das Team zur achten Etappe am Samstag nicht mehr antreten. Freitag, 3. September 06:00 Geraint Thomas hat seinen Start bei der Weltmeisterschaft abgesagt. Ein Ersatz ist noch nicht bestimmt worden, möglicherweise wird es David Millar, welcher aufgrund seines Einsatzes im Zeitfahren sich ohnehin in Australien aufhalten wird. 06:00 Am 14. September wird Paolo Bettini die Fahrer für die Weltmeisterschaft in Australien nominieren. Als Kapitän wird höchstwahrscheinlich Filippo Pozzato ins Rennen gehen. Donnerstag, 2. September 06:00 Der lettische Ex-Profi Piotr Ugrumov, der sowohl beim Giro als auch bei der Tour das Podium erreichte, wird ab der Saison 2011 sportlicher Leiter beim Team Lampre- ISD. 06:00 Gustav Erik Larsson (Saxo Bank) und Jonas Ljungblad (Omega Pharma-Lotto) werden Schweden bei der Weltmeisterschaft in Australien vertreten. Während beide Fahrer im Straßenrennen starten, geht im Zeitfahren nur Larsson an den Start. Mittwoch, 1. September 06:00 Der Juniorenweltmeister Bob Jungels wird zuerst seinen Schulabschluss in Luxemburg machen, bevor er Profi wird. In letzter Zeit gab es einige Gerüchte, dass er bereits ab 2011 im neugegründeten Team von Fränk und Andy Schleck fahren würde. 06:00 Alexandre Geniez wird nicht an der Tour de l'Avenir teilnehmen. Der Franzose leidet immer noch am Pfeifferschen Drüsenfieber. Dienstag, 31. August 06:00 Simon Gerrans hat das Gerücht zurückgewiesen, dass sich das australische Nationalteam während der WM 2009 in einer Abstimmung dafür ausgesprochen hat, ihn zu unterstützen. In dieser Abstimmung sollen acht Fahrer für Gerrans gestimmt haben und lediglich Evans hätte sich selbst gewählt, laut Gerrans fand eine solche Abstimmung aber nie statt. Montag, 30. August 06:00 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ag2r) hat, nachdem er nun schon zehn Jahre in Frankreich wohnt, seine Nationalität geändert und ist nun Franzose anstatt Ukrainer. 06:00 Die niederländische Stadt Drenthe möchte bis spätestens 2015 den Start einer Spanienrundfahrt ausrichten. In den nächsten Monaten wird man mit den Organisatoren Gespräche führen. Sonntag, 29. August 06:00 Die Tour de France 2011 wird sich scheinbar die ganze erste Woche im Norden Frankreichs befinden und dabei die Bretagne und die Normandie durchfahren. Später soll es dann in die Pyrenäen gehen. Dort gilt eine Ankunft in Luz Ardiden momentan als wahrscheinlich. Samstag, 28. August 06:00 Nun ist es offiziell. Garmin und Cervelo werden im nächsten Jahr zusammenarbeiten und unter dem Namen Garmin - Cervelo fahren. Cervelo wird dann die Rennräder für das Team stellen. Das bisherige Damen Team Cervelo wird ebenfalls unter dem Namen fahren. Freitag, 27. August 07:00 Der Däne Michael Morkov darf nicht für sein Team Saxobank an der Spanienrundfahrt teilnehmen. Er stand nicht auf der verbindlichen Meldeliste, die Mitte August erschien. Kasper Klostergaard wird ihn nun ersetzen. Aus gleichem Grund durfte Wouter Weylandt nicht bei der Tour de France starten. 06:30 Mark Cavendish (HTC - Columbia), Jeremy Hunt (Cervelo) und Gerraint Thomas (Sky) werden für Großbritannien bei der Weltmeisterschaft im Straßenrennen starten. Im Zeitfahren geht David Millar an den Start. 06:00 Der Radhersteller Cervelo wird am Ende des Jahres das Sponsoring für das Cervelo Test Team einstellen. Es scheint finanzielle Probleme zu geben. Als Radsponsor möchte man dem Profizirkus allerdings erhalten bleiben, gerüchtenzufolge wird man das Team Garmin mit Rädern beliefern. Donnerstag, 26. August 07:00 Die 16. Ausgabe der Tour de Langkawi wird vom 23. Januar bis zum 1. Februar 2011 ausgetragen. Bei der zehntägigen Rundfahrt stehen neben acht Flachetappen auch zwei Bergankünfte auf dem Programm. 06:30 Allan Davis startet als Kapitän des Astana Teams in die Vuelta a Espana, dabei hofft der Australier vor allem auf eine gute Vorbereitung auf die Weltmeisterschaft. Als einziger Spanier darf Josep Jufre bei seiner Heimatrundfahrt an den Start gehen. Das Aufgebot im Überblick: Allan Davis (Australien), Enrico Gasparotto (Italien), Josep Jufre (Spanien), Assan Bazayev, Alexandr Dyachenko, Dmitriy Fofonov, Valentin Iglinskiy, Sergey Renev, Andrey Zeits (alle Kasachstan). 06:00 Rafael Valls Ferri kann nicht an der Spanienrundfahrt teilnehmen. Der Spanier hat wahrscheinlich Pfeiffersches Drüsenfieber. Er wird von Johnny Walker ersetzt. Mittwoch, 25. August 06:00 Nachdem das ukrainische Unternehmen ISD in Zukunft Lampre unterstützt, geht der momentane Co-Sponsor von Lampre, Farnese Vini, genau in die andere Richtung und wird in Zukunft das Team von Patrik Sinkewitz sponsern. Das ProContinental Team wird dann Farnese Vini - MCipollini heißen, denn auch der ehemalige Sprinter Mario Cipollini wird als Sponsor auftreten und wohl die Rennräder für das Team stellen. 06:00 Während im Moment viele Weltmeisterschaftsnominierungen bekanntgegeben werden, gibt es auch ein paar Absagen. So werden Andy Schleck, Roman Kreuziger und Robert Gesink nicht in Australien am Start stehen. 06:00 Mit einem fast komplett auf Mark Cavendish ausgerichteten Team startet HTC - Columbia bei der Spanienrundfahrt. Der Brite darf auf einen Sprintzug mit Bernhard Eisel, Matthew Goss und Hayden Roulston hoffen. Das komplette Aufgebot: Lars Bak (Dänemark), Mark Cavendish (Großbritannien), Bernhard Eisel (Österreich), Matthew Goss (Australien), Hayden Roulston (Neuseeland), Konstantsin Sivtsov (Weißrussland), Tejay Van Garderen (U.S.A.), Martin Velits and Peter Velits (beide Slowakei). 06:00 Andreas Stauff wird bei der Vuelta a Espana sein Grand Tour Debüt feiern. Ebenfalls für Quickstep an den Start gehen Dario Cataldo und Branislau Samoilau, die zusammen schon eine starke Italienrundfahrt fuhren. Das komplette Aufgebot: Carlos Barredo (Spanien), Kevin de Weert, Nikolas Maes, Wouter Weylandt (alle Belgien), Dario Cataldo, Davide Malacarne, Matteo Tosatto (alle Italien), Andreas Stauff (Deutschland) und Branislau Samoilau (Weißrussland). 06:00 Auch Katusha hat sein Team für die Vuelta beisammen. Der Tour de France-Achte Joaquin Rodriguez und Vladimir Karpets, der seine dritte Grand Tour dieses Jahr bestreitet, werden ein Auge auf die Gesamtwertung geworfen haben. Während sich Fahrer wie Alexandr Kolobnev und Filippo Pozzato auf die Weltmeisterschaft vorbereiten. Die neun Starter: Joaquin Rodriguez, Joan Horrach (beide Spanien), Vladimir Karpets, Denis Galimzyanov, Vladimir Gusev, Mikhail Ignatiev, Alexandr Kolobnev (alle Russland), Filippo Pozzato und Giampaolo Caruso (beide Italien). 06:00 Mit David Moncoutie, der erneut das Bergtrikot anvisiert, als Kapitän geht Cofidis in die Spanienrundfahrt. Für die Sprints werden Tony Gallopin und Samuel Dumoulin zuständig sein. Das komplette Aufgebot: David Moncoutié, Rémi Pauriol, Samuel Dumoulin, Mickaël Buffaz, Arnaud Labbe, Tony Gallopin, Sébastien Minard (alle Frankreich), Romain Zingle und Nico Sijmens (beide Belgien). 06:00 Eigentlich wollte Riccardo Ricco beim heutigen Druivenkoers - Overijse sein Debüt für Vacansoleil geben. Aufgrund von administrativen Problemen, Vacansoleil fehlen noch Unterlagen von Ricco's ehemaligem Team Flaminia, muss der Italiener passen. 06:00 Der australische Radsportverband hat seine neun Starter für die Heim-WM nominiert. Im Straßenrennen werden Baden Cooke, Allan Davis, Cadel Evans, Simon Gerrans, Matthew Goss, Mathew Hayman, Stuart O'Grady, Michael Rogers und Wesley Sulzberger starten. Im Zeitfahren gehen Richie Porte und Michael Rogers an den Start. Dienstag, 24. August 06:00 Nachdem die Frage des Sponsors für die nächste Saison bei Caisse d'Epargne endlich geklärt wurde, gehen sie nun mit dem Giro Zweiten David Arroyo und dem Sieger der Clasica San Sebastian Luis Leon Sanchez in die Vuelta a Espana. Das Team im Überblick: David Arroyo, Imanol Erviti, José Vicente García Acosta, David López, Luis Pasamontes, Ruben Plaza, Luis León Sánchez (alle Spanien), Marzio Bruseghin (Italien) und Rigoberto Uran (Kolumbien). 06:00 Mit einem starken Aufgebot wird Liquigas in die Spanienrundfahrt gehen. Mit Vincenzo Nibali und Roman Kreuziger haben sie zwei Fahrer für die Top 5 in der Gesamtwertung dabei. Das Aufgebot im Überblick: Vincenzo Nibali, Daniele Bennati, Jacopo Guarnieri, Mauro Finetto, Ivan Santaromita (alle Italien), Maciej Paterski (Polen), Roman Kreuziger (Tschechien), Frederik Willems (Belgien) und Oliver Zaugg (Schweiz). 06:00 Neben Deutschland hat auch Norwegen sein Weltmeisterschaftsaufgebot nun bekanntgegeben. Edvald Boasson Hagen (Sky), Thor Hushovd (Cervélo Test Team) und Alexander Kristoff (BMC) werden die drei Starter im Straßenrennen sein. 06:00 Rein Taaramäe wird auf die am Samstag startende Vuelta a Espana verzichten. Der Este fühlt sich seit der Tour de France erschöpft. Genauere Erkenntnisse soll nun ein Bluttest bringen. Montag, 23. August 15:20 Nun ist auch das Cervelo Aufgebot komplett. Nachdem bereits die Starter Cuesta und Sastre feststanden, wurden jetzt die letzten sieben Fahrer nominiert. Mit Stefan Denifl ist auch ein Österreicher dabei. Das komplette Aufgebot: Iñigo Cuesta, Carlos Sastre, Xavier Florencio, Oscar Pujol, Xavier Tondo (alle Spanien), Thor Hushovd (Norwegen), Theo Bos (Niederlande), Philip Deignan (Irland) und Stefan Denifl (Österreich). 15:20 Für Footon sollen die beiden Kapitäne Rafael Valls und Manuel Cardoso die Kohlen aus dem Feuer holen. Auch wird David Vitoria sein Grand Tour Debüt bei der Spanienrundfahrt geben. Die neun Starter im Überblick: Rafael Valls, Alberto Benítez, Arkaitz Durán, David Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Enrique Mata (alle Spanien), Manuel Cardoso (Portugal), Giampaolo Cheula (Italien), Martin Pedersen (Dänemark) und David Vitoria (Schweiz). 06:00 Cadel Evans wird sich mit drei Eintagesrennen in Europa auf die Straßenweltmeisterschaft in Australien vorbereiten. Er wird Paris-Bruxelles (11. September), den GP de Fourmies (12. September) und den Grand Prix de Wallonie (15. September) fahren. 06:00 Der umstrittende Manager Manolo Saiz möchte in 2012 wieder ein Profiteam managen. Das letzte Mal war er im Mai 2006 Teammanager eines Teams, wurde aber im Zuge der Operation Puerto inhaftiert. Auch kritisierte er Alberto Contador für sein kleines Rennprogramm, was eine schlechte Angewohnheit sei, die er von Armstrong übernommen hätte. Sonntag, 22. August 06:00 Mit 33 Jahren wird Jean-Christophe Peraud sein Grand Tour Debüt geben im Trikot von Omega Pharma Lotto. Nachdem er die Tour de France verletzungsbedingt absagen musste, ist er nun der Mann für die Gesamtwertung in der Spanienrundfahrt. Neben Peraud wird man vor allem auf Philippe Gilbert achten müssen. Der Belgier bereitet sich auf die Weltmeisterschaft vor. Das komplette Aufgebot: Jan Bakelants, Philippe Gilbert, Leif Hoste, Olivier Kaisen, Greg Van Avermaet, Jurgen Van Goolen, Jelle Vanendert (alle Belgien), Mickaël Delage und Jean-Christophe Péraud (beide Frankreich). 06:00 Robbie McEwen wird nicht an der Weltmeisterschaft in Australien teilnehmen. Der Fahrer von Katusha wurde nicht von seinem Nationaltrainer nominiert. McEwen kündigte für heute via Twitter eine Pressekonferenz an. Samstag, 21. August 06:00 Auch das Team Euskaltel hat die neun Fahrer für Vuelta zusammen. Mit Igor Anton für die Berge und die Gesamtwertung, sowie Koldo Fernandez für die Sprints, ist das Team gut aufgestellt. Das komplette Aufgebot: Igor Antón, Koldo Fernández, Beñat Intxausti, Egoi Martínez, Mikel Nieve, Juanjo Oroz, Amets Txurruka, Pablo Urtasun und Gorka Verdugo (Spanien) 06:00 Das Team Xacobeo hat sein Aufgebot für die Spanienrundfahrt bekanntgegeben. Als Kapitän wird der Spanier Ezequil Mosquera fungieren. Das Team im Überblick: Ezequiel Mosquera, David García, Gustavo C. Veloso, Serafín Martínez, Gonzalo Rabuñal, Delio Fernández, Marcos García, Gustavo Rodríguez (alle Spanien) und Vladimir Isaychev (Russland). Freitag, 20. August 06:00 Mit einem starken Aufgebot wird das Team HTC - Columbia zur Tour of Britain reisen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei eine gute Vorbereitung für Bert Grabsch, Tony Martin, Marco Pinotti und Michael Rogers auf das Einzelzeitfahren bei der Weltmeisterschaft in Australien. Das Aufgebot im Überblick: Bert Grabsch, André Greipel, Tony Martin (alle Deutschland), Marco Pinotti (Italien), Mark Renshaw und Michael Rogers (beide Australien). Donnerstag, 19. August 20:00 Im kommenden Jahr werden die Unternehmen Lampre und ISD zusammen das bisherige Team Lampre - Farnese Vini sponsern. Das Team ISD - Neri wird einen neuen, noch unbekannten, Sponsor bekommen. Die Zusammenarbeit von Lampre und ISD soll über das Sponsoring hinausgehen, da beide Unternehmen in der Metallindustrie tätig sind, soll es in Zukunft auch dort Kooperationen geben. 06:00 Alberto Losada (Caisse d'Epragne) hat sich auf der ersten Etappe der Eneco Tour das Schlüsselbein gebrochen. 06:00 Auch Rabobank hat sein Team für die Spanienrundfahrt benannt. Als Kapitäne werden Denis Menchov uns Oscar Freire antreten. Aus deutscher Sicht ist Grischa Niermann dabei. Das komplette Aufgebot: Denis Menchov, Dmitriy Kozontchuk (beide Russland), Mauricio Ardila (Kolumbien), Oscar Freire, Juan Manuel Garate (beide Spanien), Sebastian Langeveld, Laurens ten Dam (beide Niederlande), Grischa Niermann (Deutschland) und Nick Nuyens (Belgien). 06:00 Als erstes französisches Team hat Ag2r sien Vuelta Team veröffentlicht. Der Kader im Überblick: José-Luis Arrieta (Spanien), Guillaume Bonnafond, Hubert Dupont, Sébastien Hinault, Blel Kadri, Christophe Riblon, Ludovic Turpin (alle Frankreich), Nicolas Roche (Irland) und Rinaldo Nocentini (Italien). Mittwoch, 18. August 06:00 Auch Stefano Garzelli stürzte bei diesem Rennen. Er brauch sich das Handgelenk. 06:00 Alessandro Vanotti (Liquigas) hat sich beim Eintagesrennen Tre Valli Varesine das Schlüsselbein gebrochen und wird für die Vuelta a Espana ausfallen. Dientag, 17. August 19:30 Das vielleicht stärkste Aufgebot schickt Saxobank in die Spanienrundfahrt. Neben Fränk und Andy Schleck, sind auch Dominic Klemme und Fabian Cancellara dabei. Das Aufgebot im Überblick: Fabian Cancellara (Schweiz), Baden Cooke, Stuart O'Grady (beide Australien), Juan José Haedo (Argentinien), Dominic Klemme (Deutschland), Gustav Erik Larsson (Schweden), Anders Lund (Dänemark), Andy Schleck und Frank Schleck (Luxemburg). 19:30 Die 20 jährige Sperre gegen Gianni Da Ros wurde vom CAS nun auf vier Jahre reduziert. Da Ros wurde im letzten Jahr wegen Handels mit Dopingprodukten verurteilt. Die Sperre endet am 11. März 2013. 06:00 Tom Leezer wird Grame Brown, der sich momentan nicht in Topform befindet, in der Eneco Tour ersetzen. Durch diesen Tausch startet Rabobank nun mit acht Niederländern bei der Heimrundfahrt. Montag, 16. August 17:00 Oscar Pereiro wird möglicherweise auf die Vuelta a Espana verzichten müssen, aufgrund einer Armverletzung kann er im moment kaum trainieren. Sollte er nicht starten können, würde er sein Karriereende nach der Saison nochmals überdenken. 17:00 Unter der Leitung von Chris White und mit dem Grundgerüst des Teams Fly V soll es im nächsten Jahr ein australisches ProTour geben. Genauere Pläne sollen in den nächsten Wochen vorgestellt werden. 17:00 Das Team UnitedHealthcare wird im nächsten Jahr wahrscheinlich als ProContinental Team unterwegs sein. Man möchte den Kader auf 22 Fahrer ausbauen, jedoch soll ein Teil der Fahrer nur Rennen in den USA bestreiten. Als Kapitän ist Jason McCartney von Radioshack im Gespräch. Sonntag, 15. August 06:00 Nachdem heute in Hamburg geklärt wurde, wieviel Startplätze die Topnationen haben werden, gilt es die nächste Frage zu beantworten. Können Sprinter gewinnen oder nicht? Robbie McEwen stellt den Kurs vor (in englisch): Teil 1 und Teil 2 Samstag, 14. August 06:00 Bei der belgischen Meisterschaft im Einzelzeitfahren werden am Sonntag zwölf Profis teilnehmen. Steven de Neef eröffnet um 15:41 das Rennen, während Maxime Monfort als letzter um 16:54 startet. 06:00 Jonny Bellis wird bei der Tour of Britain erstmals nach seinem schweren Unfall im September 2009 wieder ein Etappenrennen bestreiten. Durch seine Verletzung und eine anschließende Entzündung konnte Bellis sogar teilweise nicht laufen, da er zu wenig Muskelmasse hatte. Er wog zu dieser Zeit 46 Kilogramm. Das Saxobank Aufgebot wird von Alex Rasmussen, Frank Hoj, Jaroslav Marycz und Jonas Aaen Jorgensen vervollständigt. Freitag, 13. August 06:00 Aller guten Dinge sind drei, so denkt momentan wohl das Versicherungsunternehmen Liberty Seguros. Dieses möchte 2011 oder 2012 wieder ein Radsportteam sponsern. Bereits zweimal hatte das Unternehmen sich nach Dopingskandalen im eigenen Team, als Sponsor zurückgezogen. Als sportlicher Leiter ist Candido Barbosa im Gespräch. 06:00 Der Footon Neoprofi Thomas Faiers (GBr) musste seine Saison 2010 unfreiwillig beenden. Er leidet an Herzrhythmusstörung und wird sich eventuell einer Operation unterziehen. Faiers weiß seit seiner Kindheit, dass er erkrankt ist. Donnerstag, 12. August 14:50 Caisse d'Epargne wird im nächsten Jahr von dem Mobilfunkunternehmen Telefonica gesponsert und soll unter dem Namen Movistar fahren. 13:50 Ab dem nächsten Jahr soll zum Skoda-Velothon in Berlin auch ein Profirennen geben, welches bis 2013 in die ProTour aufsteigen soll. Eine Verlegung der Vattenfall Cyclassics von Hamburg nach Berlin steht aber nicht zur Debatte. 10:10 Ag2r und Vladimir Efimkin haben den gemeinsamen Vertrag zum 1. August aufgelöst. Efimkin wird sich in Zukunft um seine Frau in den USA kümmern. Ob er wieder ins Peloton zurückkehrt ist noch nicht sicher. 06:00 Christophe Brandt hat sich auf der ersten Etappe der Tour de l`Ain das Schlüsselbeim gebrochen. Mittwoch, 11. August 17:30 Bbox Bouygues Telecom hat sich von Saxobank anstecken lassen und den Sponsorenvertrag mit dem Team um ein Jahr verlängert. 06:00 Neben Frank Schleck hat nun auch Andy Schleck seinen Start bei der Spanienrundfahrt bestätigt. 06:00 Das französische Continental Team Bretagne-Schuller hofft im nächsten Jahr als ProContinental Team unterwegs zu sein und an der Tour de France teilnehmen zu dürfen. Die Tour de France 2011 wird wahrscheinlich mehrere Etappen durch die Bretagne führen. Dienstag, 10. August 18:00 Das Team Sky benennt sogar schon das komplette Aufgebot für die Vuelta. Als Mann für die Gesamtwertung wird Thomas Löfkvist nach Spanien reisen, während Simon Gerrans und der Sprinter Ben Swift auf Etappenjagd gehen. Das Aufgebot im Überblick: John-Lee Augustyn, Kjell Carlström, Juan Antonio Flecha, Simon Gerrans, Peter Kennaugh, Thomas Löfkvist, Lars-Petter Nordhaug, Ian Stannard und Ben Swift. 06:00 Das Team Xacobeo hat elf Fahrer für den erweiterten Kader für die Vuelta e Espana nominiert. Zwei Fahrer müssen bis zum Start in Sevilla noch gestrichen werden. Die elf Fahrer im Überblick: Gustavo Cesar Veloso, Gustavo Domínguez, Delio Fernández, David García, Marcos García, Serafín Martínez, Ezequiel Mosquera, Francisco Pacheco, Gonzalo Rabuñal,Gustavo Rodríguez (alle Spanien) und Vladimir Isaychev (Russland). Montag, 9. August 19:00 Am 28. August bekommt Paolo Bettini seine erste Chance als Nationaltrainer. Beim Giro del Veneto wird ein italienisches Nationalteam am Start stehen. Folgende Fahrer sind für das Team vorgesehen: Valerio Agnoli (Liquigas Doimo), Alessandro Ballan (BMC), Riccardo Chiarini (De Rosa Stac Plastic), Oscar Gatto (ISD Neri), Alan Marangoni (CSF Colnago), Alberto Ongarato (Vacansoleil), Mauro Santambrogio (BMC) und Diego Ulissi (Lampre Farnese Vini). 19:00 Die dänsiche Stadt Herning bewirbt sich um die Austragung des Giro Starts 2012. 16:00 Nach seinem Sturz bei der Tour de France wird Fränk Schleck bei den Vattenfall Cyclassics wieder ins Renngeschehen eingreifen. 16:00 Die französischen Städte Redon, Châteaulin und Lorient sind mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit Etappenorte der Tour de France 2011. Sollten diese Orte tatsächlich angefahren werden, so würde die Tour de France nach ihrem ohnehin nördlichen Start noch weiter nach Norden fahren. Sonntag, 8. August 20:20 Bradley Wiggins wird neben der Tour of Britain auch noch an der Eneco Rundfahrt teilnehmen. 20:20 Schlechte Nachrichten für das Team Rabobank. Auf der letzten Etappe der Tour de Polgone brach sich Bauke Mollema das Schlüsselbein und fällt vier Wochen aus. Trotz des Sturzes beendete er die Rundfahrt und wurde Dritter. Auch Pieter Weening brach sich das Schlüsselbein. Er stürzte auf der letzten Etappe der Burgos Rundfahrt. 06:00 Während es momentan für das Team Caisse d'Epragne nicht gut aussieht, gibt es aber auch Grund zur Freude im spanischen Radsport. So möchte das Continental Team Caja Rujal aller Vorausicht nach im nächsten Jahr als ProContinental Team unterwegs sein. Zudem soll das Budget auf zwei Millionen Euro verdoppelt werden. Samstag, 7. August 06:00 Für den Bbox-Profi Saïd Haddou ist die Saison nach einem Sturz bei Paris-Corrèze beendet. Der Franzose erlitt einen doppelten Schien- und Wadenbeinbruch. 06:00 Romain Sicard (Euskaltel) wird dieses Jahr nicht an der Tour de l'Avenir teilnehmen. Der französische Nationaltrainer hatte zuletzt gehofft, dass der Vorjahressieger noch einmal antreten würde. Freitag, 6. August 18:00 Christophe Le Mevel wird dieses Jahr zum zweiten Mal nach 2005 an der Spanienrundfahrt teilnehmen. Hauptgrund dafür dürfte sein, dass Laurent Jalabert nur Fahrer für die Weltmeisterscahft nominiert, die auch die Vuelta a Espana gefahren sind. 14:20 Matteo Tosatto (Quick Step) ist zum ersten Mal Vater geworden. Seine Frau Elisa brachte die Tochter Emma zur Welt. Donnerstag, 5. August 23:00 Die argentinische Tourismusbehörde und die ASO führen momentan Gespräche über eine viertägige Rundfahrt in und um Buenos Aires. Die Rundfahrt soll Ende März bis Anfang April stattfinden. In Argentinien wird bereits jährlich die Rallye Dakar ausgetrangen, welche ebenfalls von der ASO organisiert wird. 23:00 Nach Floyd Landis und Tyler Hamilton hat nun ein weiterer ehemaliger US Postal Fahrer mit den Ermittlungsbehörden gesprochen. Der Fahrer möchte jedoch erst mal anonym bleiben. Im Gegensatz zu Landis und Hamilton soll dieser Fahrer während seiner Karriere nicht positiv getestet worden sein. 06:00 Für Joaquin Rodriguez (Katusha) scheint es im Moment nur gute Nachrichten zu geben. Nach seiner starken Tour und dem guten Abschneiden bei der Clasisa San Sebastian, ist er nun zum zweiten Mal Vater geworden. Es ist ein Mädchen und heißt Elisa. 06:00 Xavier Tondo (Cervelo) hat sich auf der 4. Etappe der Tour de Pologne das Schlüsselbein gebrochen. Der Spanier wird somit auch nicht an der Vuelta a Espana teilnehmen können. Mittwoch, 04. August 18:00 Hans-Michael Holczer beschuldigt Levi Leipheimer in seinem Buch der Blutmanipulation. Am Ruhetag in Grenoble der Tour de France 2005 habe Holczer einen Brief der UCI erhalten, in dem auf erhöhte Blutwerte hingewiesen wurde. Holczer habe sich jedoch dafür entschieden Leipheimer im Rennen zu lassen. 18:00 Alexandre Vinokourov denkt, nachdem er bereits den Giro und die Tour in den Beinen hat, gar nicht an einen ruhigen Saisonausklang und hat sich nun das Zeitfahren der Asienspiele als ein neues Ziel gesetzt. Als unmittelbare Vorbereitung auf sein neues Highlight im November wird der Kasache auf wieder beim Chrono des Nations am Start stehen. 06:00 Frédéric Guesdon hat seinen Vertrag bei FDJ um ein weiteres Jahr verlängert. Der letzte französische Sieger von Paris - Tours und Paris - Roubaix wird am 14. Oktober 39 Jahre alt. 06:00 Mit einem Sieg beim Critérium de Castillon la Bataille hat Alberto Contador die Saison 2010 beendet. Es war zugleich auch sein letztes Rennen für Astana. Dienstag, 03. August 22:00 Sein Knie macht Heinreich Haussler weiter zu schaffen. Nun musste der Cervelo Profi auch noch die Dänemarkrundfahrt absagen. Auch ein Start bei der Vuelta ist sehr unwahrscheinlich. 22:00 Das Mannschaftszeitfahren, mit dem die Vuelta a Espana eröffnet wird, wurde um 1,3 km gekürzt und ist nun nur noch 13 km lang. 13:40 Nachdem Julian Dean die Commonwealth Spiele abgesagt hat, scheint nun ein Start bei der Spanienrundfahrt realistisch. Da Dean bereits Giro und Tour gefahren ist, wäre es für ihn nach 2009 schon das zweite Jahr in Folge mit einem Start bei allen drei Grands Tours. 13:40 Ebenfalls wurde verkündet, dass der Spanier Alberto Contador zum Team Saxobank Sungard wechseln wird. Contador unterschrieb einen Zweijahresvertrag. 13:40 Saxobank bleibt für ein weiteres Jahr Sponsor des Teams von Bjarne Riis. Dies wurde heute auf einer Pressekonferenz in Kopenhagen verkündet. 13:40 Riccardo Ricco und sein Team Ceramica Flaminia haben sich auf eine Vertragsauflösung geeinigt. Sein letztes Rennen für das zweitklassige Team wird der GP Camaiore am Sonntag sein. Neben einem Start bei der Vuelta Ende August strebt Ricco auch einen Start bei der Frankreichrundfahrt im nächsten Jahr an. Montag, 02. August 18:20 Tim Gudsell (FDJ) hat sich auf der ersten Etappe der Tour de Pologne das Schlüsselbein gebrochen. 18:20 Alessandro Petacchi muss erst am 24. August vor der Anti-Doping Kommission des CONI aussagen. Aufgrund "professioneller Verpflichtungen" wurde der Termin verschoben. 15:40 Der Tour de France-Vierte Samuel Sanchez wird dieses Jahr nicht die Vuelta a Espana bestreiten, er steht nicht im vorläufigen Aufgebot von Euskaltel. So stehen Igor Antón, Beñat Intxausti, Egoi Martínez, Mikel Nieve und Gorka Verdugo schon fest im Aufgebot. Um die letzten vier Plätze streiten: Javier Aramendia, Koldo Fernández, Juanjo Oroz, Alan Pérez, Amets Txurruka und Pablo Urtasun. 15:40 David Moncoutie hat sich erneut entschieden ein weiteres Jahr im Sattel zu verbringen.Im nächsten Jahr peilt der Franzose auch einen Start bei der Tour de France an. In diesem Jahr hatte Moncoutie eigentlich erklärt keine Frankreichrundfahrt mehr bestreiten zu wollen. Sonntag, 01. August 13:30 Der Abgang der Schleck-Brüder von Saxobank wurde diese Woche zwar bestätigt, aber über ihren neuen Arbeitgeber ist nach wie vor wenig bekannt. Nachdem allerdings die französiche Supermarktkette Auchan abgelehnt hat, soll nun die belgische Fast Food Kette Quick Interesse an einem Sponsoring haben. 13:30 Michael Rasmussen gibt die Hoffnung nicht auf, die Vuelta a Espana dieses Jahr doch noch bestreiten zu dürfen. Der Däne soll sich mit einem ProTour- und einem Professional-Team in Verhandlungen befinden. Allerdings dürfte langsam die Zeit knapp werden, denn bis zum 8. August müssen alle Teams eine erweiterte Startliste dem Veranstalter zukommen lassen. 13:30 Carlos Sastre (Cervelo) wird nach 2007 erneut alle drei großen Landesrundfahrten bestreiten. 2006 wurde er 43er beim Giro, Dritter bei der Tour und verpasste das Podium bei der Vuelta als Vierter nur knapp. 13:30 Li Fuyu (Radioshack) droht eine zweijährige Sperre, nach der A-Probe ist nun auch die B-Probe positiv. Der Chinese wurde beim Eintagesrennen Dwars Door Vlaanderen positiv auf Clenbuterol getestet. 13:30 Während Kim Kirchen weiter an sein Comeback glaubt, bietet sein Team Katusha ihm nun eine administrative Rolle an. Samstag, 31. Juli 22:00 Neben dem amtierenden Weltmeister steht auch Heinrich Haussler auf der vorläufigen Liste des Gastgeberlandes für die WM in Australien. Eine 23 Mann lange Liste soll am Dienstag veröffentlicht werden. 20:00 Ab dem nächsten Jahr wird es eine weitere Rundfahrt in den USA geben. Die Tour of Colorado ist eine achttägige Rundfahrt und soll im August stattfinden. Freitag, 30. Juli 16:40 Der Schuhhersteller Geox wird ab der nächsten Saison das Team Footon Servetto sponsern. Geplant ist ein Budget von 50 Millionen Euro über fünf Jahre. Das Team bemüht sich intensiv um Damiano Cunego, Denis Menchov und Michael Rogers. 16:40 Sylvain Chavanel muss die Clasica San Sebastian aufgrund einer Infektion eines Zehs absagen. 16:40 Kim Kirchen plant nach seinem Herzstillstand während der Tour de Suisse eine Rückkehr ins Peloton zur Saison 2011. Zuerst müsse aber der Heilungsprozess vollständig abgeschlossen sein. 16:40 Auch das Team Milram gibt der Jugend eine Chance. So dürfen sich Stefan Schäfer und Michael Weicht als Stagiaires präsentieren. 16:40 Mikhail Antonov, Alexander Mironov und Alexander Porsev werden das Team Katusha als Stagiaires unterstützen. 16:40 Der Giro d'Italia 2011 wird mit einem Mannschaftszeitfahren in Turin gestartet und endet mit einem Einzelzeitfahren in Mailand. Donnerstag, 29. Juli 23:40 Alexander Wetterhall (Schweden) und Daniel Teklehaymanot (Eritrea) werden Stagiaires beim Cervelo Test Team. Teklehaymanot wird zudem ab der Saison 2011 Profi beim Team um Carlos Sastre und Thor Hushovd. 23:40 Der CONI hat im Falle Pellizotti eine zweijährige Sperre gefordert. Der Fall wird nun vom internationalen Sportgerichtshof (CAS) entschieden. 16:40 Der britische Radsportler Dan Staite wurde nach einer positiven Probe, es wurde EPO gefunden, für zwei Jahre gesperrt. Die Sperre läuft vom 1. Mai 2010 bis zum 1.Mai 2012 16:40 Mit den drei Stagiaires Taylor Phinney, Jesse Sergent und Clinton Avery wird Radioshack bei der Dänemark-Rundfahrt starten. Dazu kommen noch Sam Bewley, Matthew Busche, Geoffroy Lequatre, Jason McCartney und Bjorn Selander. Mittwoch, 28. Juli 21:00 Samuel Sanchez hat sich auf der 17. Etappe der Tour de France bei einem Sturz den Radiusknochen gebrochen. Das weitere Rennprogramm des Spaniers muss aber nicht geändert werden. 17:30 Für die Vattenfall Cyclassics am 15. August haben Skil - Shimano, Vacansoleil und BMC Wildcards erhalten. 17:30 Alessandro Petacchi hat heute bei einem Verhör durch die Staatsanwaltschaft Padua die Aussage verweigert. Dies sei die Taktik des Anwalts gewesen, da Petacchi ursprünglich aussagen wollte. Am 3. August folgt das nächste Verhör, dann durch das nationale olympische Komittee (CONI). 14:10 Alberto Contador wird Astana aller Voraussicht nach verlassen. Der Spanier ließ ein Ultimatum des Teams verstreichen, nachdem er mehr Zeit gefordert hatte. Die größten Chancen auf eine Verpflichtung des Tour de France-Siegers soll Bjarne Riis haben. Dienstag, 27. Juli 15:40 Beim Bundesgericht in Los Angeles ist eine Klage gegen Lance Armstrong eingegangen. Der siebenmalige Toursieger wird von einem ehemaligen Sponsor wegen möglicher Dopingvergehen verklagt. 15:40 Ivan Basso wird auch im nächsten Jahr wieder den Giro d'Italia und die Tour de France bestreiten. Er ist trotz seiner, durch Krankheit, schwachen Tour weiterhin der Meinung, dass er beide Rundfahrten in einem Jahr sehr stark fahren kann. 15:40 Ruben Lobato wurde für zwei Jahre gesperrt. Der Spanier war einer der ersten Fahrer, die die UCI mithilfe des Blutpasses überführte. 15:40 Manuele Boaro (Italien) wird dritter, und damit letzter, Stagiaire bei Carmiooro. Montag, 26. Juli 20:10 Stefan Schumacher arbeitet derzeit weiter an seinem Comeback. Ein Comeback im Nationaltrikot wird es für ihn aber nicht geben, dies bestätigte heute BDR-Vizepräsident Udo Sprenger. 20:00 Bradley Wiggins wird dieses Jahr nur noch die Tour of Britain fahren und damit auch die Weltmeisterschaften auslassen. 19:40 Johan Bruyneel wird von der UCI vorgeladen. Grund dafür sind die Geschehnisse auf der letzten Etappe der Tour de France. Dabei geht es weniger um die nicht genehmigten Trikots, sondern um die Startverzögerung von über 20 Minuten. 19:40 Daniel Diaz (Argentinien) und Ran Margaliot (Israel) werden Stagiaires bei Footon - Servetto. Während Diaz bei Cafés Baqué fährt, kommt Margaliot aus der UCI Mannschaft. ![]() Samstag, 16. Oktober 22:00 Respect to all riders who finished that epic giro de lombardia. I'm ashamed of myself...after seeing lots of crashes i was sooo scared. Paul Martens 22:00 n Milan now...go out tonight a celebrate the season ending a little! Hard nasty and wet race today...but must say the im happy with my 4th! podium was close and would have been super.. had a good season & think i finished of in a good way! Thanks 2 Saxo B & Bjarne 4 2 good years! Jakob Fulgsang 21:00 Deep respect for all riders (also Chechu!) who finished Lombardy. Zubeldia, while in second position, had to abandon. Victim of hypothermia. Philippe Maertens (Teamsprecher von RadioShack) 20:00 Bad crash pulled me out of the Race. Shit day! All sacrifices to be good r fucked up in a 1 moment Alexander Kolobnev 20:00 arms legs and face clean shaven ready to go, need to teach my dad the rules of driving the team car in a time trial....except i have no idea Alex Dowsett 19:00 shopped w/ the mrs yday, played golf today, out for dinner tnite, feels like off season but back on the bike Sun,Mon,Tues train for JapanCup Robbie McEwen 17:00 Not liking the tennis taking over cycling time on eurosport. Emilia Fahlin 17:00 My road season is finished,didn't finish Lombardia!sitting in the bus now and watching the race with a pizza:) Michel Kreder 13:00 Rain and cold in north of Italy. It will be a really tough day for the guys at Tour of Lombardy! Manuel Quinziato 11:00 1st night in hospital done. allowed to do some steps. good thing is that i've sporza... giro lombardia soon on tv :-) Robert Wagner 10:00 Last race of the year Giro di Lombardia, feeling good and good spirrit in the team!! Got my wife for support and some SA fans out there! John Lee Augustyn 10:00 Putting stickers on my helmet for a better cycling world...uhhh... I didn't know it was that easy :-/ weird Paul Martens Freitag, 15. Oktober 23:00 In a resturant and Adebayor has just walked in. Yes that's right walked in!! Managed to stay on his feet, so far... Gerraint Thomas 19:00 last race of 2010!! giro de lombardia. i don't know what to expect, i try to hold on and then i'll see,what i get after 260 k's... Paul Martens 17:00 Just had last massage 4 the season..2morrow last race of the season & last race for Saxo bank! Really wants to do good & feel like i can!! Jakob Fuglsang 11:00 Man, all the rumors about Thor are pretty entertaining. His contract was filed with the UCI on Oct. 1st, with no buy out clause. Put more simply: I will pan fry my nuts and eat them if Thor is racing for another team in 2011. How's that for a guarantee? Jonathan Vaughters 10:00 Tomorrow "end of season" dinner with @LiquigasDoimo then sunday morning first trainingcamp with @BMCProTeam. Will be a transition night! After 5 years with @LiquigasDoimo it will be a big change for me! Thanks for all! Manuel Quinziato 08:00 "according to Telegraph"? I personally don't know about any delayed start. And I personally don't agree with it Marco Pinotti 08:00 My wife can't remember when she had a MCD Happy Meal, but she knows she's had one and she's scared, she says. David Zabriskie Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 22:00 I'm still at home. But on cyclingnews I was 30th today on Giro del Piemonte :) teleportation on the way? Alexander Kolobnev 18:00 Saved myself a little today, so got dropped when the team put the hammer down...! The boys where strong and Matti finished 3rd! Jakob Fulgsang 16:00 Didn't had the legs today and got dropped!and on top of that I rode back to the finish,I was talking with #AddyEngels next to me and on 300m before the finishline we almost past a aqua&sapone;rider and he just turned right,straight to us and he crashed into my wheel and broke it!so I needed to walk back the last 300m!! Michel Kreder 16:00 Wasn't my day...changed my position last days,stupid idiot i am. Sore muscles whole day...hope you didn't bet on me saturday.change that!:-/ Paul Martens 14:00 Nice weather for a nice 'GranPiemonte'. One day I'll get to this part of the season not exhausted enough to finish this one... Cadel Evans 11:00 Back in Kenya where I grew up- amazed to see nothing seems to have changed over the years. Tomorrow we start a 9 day MTB ride from the Amboseli Park and ending up on the beach (hopefully...). Will try post some pics along the way Chris Froome Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 20:00 Just got from massage...ready 4 Piemonte now. Did the last 60k of Lombardia 2day...new and harder final..auch!! Jakob Fulgsang 18:00 Yeah @alexdowsett!!! Second to Millar at Commie Games! So stoked for you buddy!!! Yeah...I'm not sure why I just called it 'commie' games. I guess I'll go with Commonwealth next time as to minimize confusion. ;) Taylor Phinney 12:00 season finished! not the end (result) what i wanted...but thats sport. a big rest-period comming up. but @ 1st an operation on friday. Robert Wagner 09:00 Visited the dentist today, apparently there is some more work to be done. Awesome... Koen de Kort Dienstag, 12. Oktober 18:00 Told the kids that having a dog means you have to pick the Ricco's up and if you don't we will have to eat the dogs, seems to have worked Bradley Wiggins 16:00 Good to hear a sane voice in all this mess, thanks Michael Rasmussen I'll sleep better tonight Bradley Wiggins 14:00 If you search for a place where you can relax for 100%. Lago di Viverone.it,s sunny today,no wind.you only hear the birds.bloody awesome Paul Martens 08:00 Last day of my off season, back to business tomorrow! Leigh Howard Montag, 11. Oktober 23:00 Had a brief chat after Paris-Tours with my new team mate and future star Mr Uran from Columbia, smashing fella Bradley Wiggins 20:00 Decided not going for #girolombardia this week, so my race season 2010 is officially over! thanks for all your support during the year, and for sure also in my off-season i keep on tweeting ;) Stefan Denifl 17:00 back home after a very fast and tough Paris-Tours. 48kmh average. Satisfied with my race and ready for the off-Season now! Simon Geschke 14:00 The news about the bad crash of robert's father has shocked the whole team.He left italy,got back home!Our minds are with him and his family Paul Martens 13:00 season officilay over.. Nicholas Roche 09:00 Woke up with sore legs,....but what a awesome view from our hotel. Lago di Viverone ! La dolce vita http://plixi.com/p/50001054 Paul Martens Sonntag, 10. Oktober 00:00 got myself boxed in (well Hondo helped) during Paris-Tours sprint. not happy. threw away a sure podium there. congrats to Oscar though Robbie McEwen 21:00 On the way to airport again leaving Dehli. Never got to see much of the city, but during the race today saw some really beautiful parts! Long flight ahead 3 hours to Dubai then 7 hours to Zurich I think.been a long day &.04h15am flight helps nothing for the fatigue factor... Robert Hunter 17:00 Another 2nd place 2day..finished in a group of 10 that went away w/ 6k to go! Nice surprise..only had in mind to finish 2day! Next Piemonte! Jakob Fuglsang 17:00 Today i had confidence and stayed calm till the last climb.i did a bad sprint,but i'm happy that i've “back the legs”. Got 4th. Paul Martens 09:00 Haha not paris nice. I meant paris Tours. Haha I'm ready for my break as you can see. Man o man. Steven Cozza 09:00 Good luck at Paris Nice Steve! Christian Meier 09:00 Headed to the last showdown of the year for me Paris Nice. Steven Cozza Samstag, 9. Oktober 19:00 Had good legs today but not good enough. Still jet lag from Australia http://yfrog.com/jovmzrj Alexander Kolobnev 18:00 France! Tomorrow Paris-Tour. Now relax on the bed listening music and wearing only underpants: free and happy, like a child! Jacopo Guarnieri 15:00 Found some gym and running clothes in town! Soon i will find the muscle pain aswell.. Emilia Fahlin 14:00 Team meeting in a bit,i reckon we'll be told to follow the aussies and then im going to sprint against cav.. or hit out early might be wiser Alex Dowsett 11:00 Last night I met #TomCruise in my dream and @michelkreder was fighting aliens in his.. #randomdreams #isthisinourfutures? Christian Meier Freitag, 8. Oktober 20:00 chilling in Chartres/France and getting ready for Paris-Tours. Back on the net for only 15€... :/ Simon Geschke 20:00 Tomorrow last flight: France, race, home. Easy! Jacopo Guarnieri 17:00 a good 3 hr ride w/ a few efforts today, feeling good & looking forward to Paris-Tours - last euro race for 2010. Robbie McEwen 10:00 Just done with training..gotta say air pollution here is a major problem. Makes beijing look like paradise... Delhi has taken security seriously.on the 16kms training circuit there were national guard(army) & commandos literally every 100 meters. Robert Hunter 08:00 Off to italy... I'm not in the racing mood yet, but i guess it's getting better with the day! At least i'll get good pasta,jippie Paul Martens 06:00 up nice and early thanks to jet lag, bags packed and ready to head to Italy for last hurrah for this season in the spring classics. Richie Porte 01:00 Had a few great and relaxing first days of off-season. Lots of beer and junk food involved. Now planning my lead-up for the 2011 season Koen de Kort Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 18:00 Our Bus is Being escorted down the highway with a by a golf cart I kid you not! This I've never seen before...we doing 20kms/h ha ha Check it out, not the best pic but u can see.. Brings escorting to a whole new level..pretty cool.. http://plixi.com/p/49210339 Robbie Hunter 18:00 I am now a licensed driver....again Tejay van Garderen 17:00 Always nice to see Ricco winning. Just what cycling needs at the moment. Charles Wegelius 16:00 Dam I wanted so bad to ride to the finish line with Jan. So dam frustrated right now. I've never cramped before and of all days when I'm in the break with my future teamate next year. What a shit start. Steven Cozza 10:00 Busy fixing my house. Feel like a real man using my hammer nails paint and a saw. And sweaty off course.. Laurens ten Dam 10:00 No Paris - Bourges for me today. I finished the 2010 season, because I have a hernia after crash in Dauphine 4 months ago. Suffered enough. Ben Hermans 08:00 Just finished a talk with other cousin's kindergarten class. Best question: "Do you like bicycling... I am pretending to be a dog." A close runner up was "Do your ears ever pop". Ummm... what? I don't know how to answer that question. Ted King 07:00 Totally just got my dad and sister drunk! Tejay van Garderen 04:00 8 hours of flying done and a lot more to go!! KL to dubai- dubai To Dehli ..com games here we come! Robbie Hunter 04:00 In Malyasia waiting for a flight to Dubai then to Dehli, still a fair bit to go. Aus is too far from everything Daryl Impey Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 01:00 The time had come. Does running out of pages mean you travel way to much? http://yfrog.com/6zfvvqxj Gregory Henderson 23:00 11pm-2:30am. 5-10am. 12-2pm. Sleeping paterns for the day. Thanks Australia! Alex Howes 17:00 Anybody watching the womens weightlifting?? Check the Aussies hairy pits, hot!! Don't think she realised it was on tele. Actually this might be a mixed gender comp looking at he winner... Gerraint Thomas 17:00 Shame on you Ettore Torri. You blame all cyclist of being dopers. you´re only talking with criminals and think everyone is like this.i sayNO Paul Martens 15:00 That what had say Torri is really bad for all riders! Roman Kreuziger 14:00 At the Commy Games now,TT has my name written all over it,pan flat,dead straight 1 corner,I'll do well to clip any pedals or roll any tubs!! Been spending alot of time with the womens squad, some very funny dinner table conversation, found out Sharon's ideal man (quite particular) And Lizzie decided my aim for the commonwealths should be to find my future wife as Rob hayles did, the search is on! Alex Dowsett 13:00 11hours of sleep, and i could have slept the double! Lets see what fun Örebro can offer today! Emilia Fahlin 11:00 New Italian cafe opening today in Girona, claims he will have the best Italian coffee, I will be there as the doors open.. Christian Meier 11:00 Off to my last race of year with Cervelo tomorrow. It's been a amazing two years with our crew. Happy I will still be on my S3 next year Brad Lancaster 11:00 Jetlag. Midnight snack with my 3 year old who just had a bad dream. Glad 2010 is over and done with! Thanks for all the support during this very trying year. I read all the mentions, it it is very humbling. Christian Vande Velde 06:00 Jet lag plus no exercise since worlds. Run 4 miles at 11 pm? Might regret that tomorrow. Hope it puts me to sleep at least. Ben King 05:00 Kohl could not finish in the top 10 of the Tour without doping, using his physiology.. Neither could I. Doesn't mean its true for everyone. Jonathan Vaughters 03:00 For all who say LinkedIn exists for people who have jobs: are you freakin serious? Work was obviously impossible before LinkedIn came to be. Ted King Dienstag, 5. Oktober 23:00 by the time i ride in Japan Cup I will have done 111 races in 2010 & not had a relaxing break since Oct/Nov 2008. my AC's have been gone for years (right '98 & left 2000). I was just doing a twitter experiment to see what happens to random words....bored Robbie McEwen 23:00 Hey LinkedIn, seriously why do you exist? Ted King 23:00 acromioclavicular Robbie McEwen 22:00 if you interrogate rider connected with doping, what did you expect them to say? http://bit.ly/cCETc8? they prefer to hide behind the belief "everyone is doping" instead admitting they are losers, wanckers, cheaters, liars Marco Pinotti 21:00 Being made to watch Britains Next Top Model by my girlfriend, can't think of a better way to spend a Tuesday night... Gerraint Thomas 19:00 trainingstart in kelmis with team netapp,team nutrixxion,levrier test team & skil-shimano. http://twitpic.com/2uwq7x Robert Wagner 19:00 AC Robbie McEwen 19:00 Gone! Robbie McEwen 16:00 Just bought a new mens toy. A 1970 Vespa scooter. Happy like a kid... Laurens ten Dam 15:00 went out for a ride with jos van Emden,Huup Duyn and Britt .I´m so tired...fresh air helped a little...i´ve to do sth to stay awake... Paul Martens 13:00 Spare racing shoes in the garbage bin and motorbike (for training behind) out of the garage and back to its rightfull owner!:-) Koos Moerenhout 08:00 In Belgium, when the forecast says it will be sunny, it means that the sun will be killed by tons of clouds. Poor sun. Jacopo Guarnieri 08:00 Hangin w/ cuz Jimmy's 1st grade class. My perplexed look is on account of the class speaking AUSTRALIAN to me. http://plixi.com/p/48829207 Ted King 08:00 Family and supporters picked me up with a stretched limo! Koos Moerenhout 15:00 Half an hour from home! Still alive in the 31st hr of travel. Ben King 04:00 Very hard choice to pull out of Comm Games Team but have to look to the future now.I Could not take the risk with health after EBV this yr. Thanks to all for understanding and Goodluck to the team there, I hope they go well and bring back the gold's Mark Renshaw 03:00 Crossing China Air Southern off the list of travel again airlines...has been a very confusing morning here.. Christian Meier Montag, 4. Oktober 22:00 Just spend the weekend in B&B 'De 2 Linden' in Oisterwijk. Felt like the king. Thanks! Me and my wife did 45 km of the 'camino di santiago' 2550 km to go... Laurens ten Dam 21:00 Longest. Day. Ever. Two sunrises and it is still Monday. Being home tonight will make it all worth it. Craig Lewis 20:00 Back home in Cali...starting the off season as always with skynyrd's Don't ask me no questions. David Zabriskie 17:00 at KL airport, 13hr flight to London! can hardly wait... Richie Porte 16:00 First time I have ever watched golf. Exciting stuff, come on Europe!! No better way to beat the Americans than in the welsh sunshine in Celtic Manor!! Might start watching a bit more golf... Gerraint Thomas 14:00 Nice small ride with coffee stop and the Muur in Geraardsbergen done...think I go for Flanders next year :-) Jakob Fuglsang 14:00 Finish of other good train,4hr w/t Finetto and Pietropoli. weather was very cloudy but I'm coming home dry,that's important! Roman Kreuziger 06:00 My race didn't quite go to plan yesterday. Major stomach probs early on. However we have a very worthy new World Champ. Congrats Thor. Gregory Henderson 03:00 The crowd at the race yesterday was absolutely amazing. It was like nothing I've ever seen. Thanks to everyone who was there cheering us on! Simon Gerrans Sonntag, 3. Oktober 03:00 Finished my first World Champ's yesterday. Now at my cousin's 5 y.o. daughter's Shiny Glittery Tapping Wonderland dance class. #toomuchpink Ted King 01:00 What an incredible nightmare dealing with Singapore Airlines. Don't ever fly with them in case you might have to change your flights. Koen de Kort 00:00 After a short night i've to face a long trip. Melbourne-Sydney-Abu Dhabi-Frankfurt-Lanaken.happy to go back home Paul Martens 23:00 Sched next 2weeks: fly to europe, race emelia, beghelli, have a beer& recover, race piedmonte, lombardia, buy a case of beer. Recover a lot. Peter Stetina 22:00 not the worlds but münsterland giro today ;-) team worked hard..2 leaders stayed away.won the sprint for 3rd. nice crowd around munster !! Robert Wagner 12:00 Congrats to thor the vikinger for his win. He deserved this really. Was really hard today and my engine whent out of fuel.Thanks for support Fabian Cancellara 12:00 On the way to the start..windy like hell today!! Congrats to Thor..think He is a good w.champion but would rather have seen Matti in white;) Jakob Fulgsang 11:00 Watching the recording of the worlds! Such an amazing race and great win by thor, my 2nd vuelta roommate ;) later heading out for training! Stefan Denifl 11:00 I tried everything to get a medal.if you don,t dare you'll never win.today i've nothing but happy with my performance! Paul Martens 08:00 Yess I won the Franco Belge Team bet on who was going to win the Worlds. My bet Thor. 65Euros in the pocket. Steven Cozza 07:00 Wake up early for looking WCH in Geelong.What a crazy race!I hope to see interesting final! Roman Kreuziger Samstag, 2. Oktober 23:00 Good luck to all my friends at Worlds today. Time to sleep for me but I'm gonna wake up early to see last 40km. Manuel Quinziato 22:00 Had to wake up middle in the night..already had breakfast...we've to go frm torquay to geelong.1,5hr ride...WC Race can start Paul Martens 18:00 today i was feeling better than yesterday and....nothing! little problem with the shifter in the sprint, it happens! Jacopo Guarnieri 12:00 They are difficult moments of sadness and impotence,thanks for your so many support message. I keep total confidence of WADA and UCI and i am sure that everything will finish soon and well. Alberto Contador 12:00 Driving from Geelong to Melbourne now, we'll ride in opposite direction tomorrow. Can't wait for this race to start finally! Koen de Kort 10:00 with the kelmis connection (docker,geschke) in some minutes to münster! last german race for the season! Robert Wagner 10:00 saw replay of womens road race finish. once again a rider hit by amateur photographer over barriers. there should be buffer zone Robbie McEwen 06:00 Did 2laps today. They always say, bad legs one day before a race,means good legs in the race!?!i count on that! Paul Martens 06:00 Had my last massage from Sjef van Engelen. He gave me massage 21 years ago for my first World Championship (juniors, in the UK)! Now on the room and watching/cheering for the Dutch ladies for their Worlds road race. Later today transer to hotel in Melbourne. Koos Moerenhout 04:00 Who ever made our kit must hate the USA. Christian Vande Velde Freitag, 1. Oktober 22:00 Potentially we could have a couple of WC jerseys rolling around the bunch next year. 3 way tie for the win? Not mad on the 3rd=yesterday. Gregory Henderson 18:00 Took it easy today...but you still need to stay alert all the time here in Belgium...crazy racing here! 110k transfer back to hotel now! Jakob Fulgsang 13:00 Finally found some internet here in the village. Been a interesting couple of days.......India is one crazy country! Jesse Sergent 11:00 @taylorphinney for 3rd. For me a 115 km solo attack at U23 World Champs was a fun way to end a dream season. Thanks for the love Geelong Ben King 10:00 not a good day in the office, Moser was a bit too quick up the climbs for me, and after that effort everyone else was as well disastrous end to a disastrous worlds, good on Luke with 11th in the bunch kick, hats off to michael matthews, perfect sprint! Alex Dowsett 10:00 Tweeting from the press conference :) http://yfrog.com/bcy67tj Taylor Phinney 10:00 A very awkward podium presentation for 3rd in the U23 RR. Never seen that before. Craig Lewis 10:00 Wow! Tied for 3rd with my good friend @GuillaumeBoivin. I'm stoked with that! A lot better than expected. Very happy for Matthews... Legend! Taylor Phinney 09:00 Great ride for @taylorphinney and the rest of the guys on a tough course. As for me I just didn't have it. #longseason Andrew Talansky 06:00 Proud of my brother-from-another-mother Ben King on the attack. Watching U23 race back at the hotel with other 'mericans, Norge, and Dutch. Ted King Donnerstag, 30. September 00:00 Moving on... Today is the last race of the season! Team USA is one of the strongest teams, hoping for good things--it's gonna be brutal!! Taylor Phinney 21:00 A belgium race in september-october is not healthy! Jacopo Guarnieri 17:00 finished 4th in the world today, but more exciting saw my family first time in 10 months! Richie Porte 15:00 What a crazy day in cycling with the news about Contador I only heard about it in the press I hope he is innocent and i think he deserves the right to defend himself mow Andy Schleck 14:00 It is 8:22 and it is about that time. Bed time! BOOM big race tmrw...let's see if I can get my big ass over these Aussie climbs :^D Taylor Phinney 13:00 @alex_howes and @taylorphinney have a future as comedians if they ever get tired of racing their bikes. Nonstop laughs at dinner Andrew Talansky 12:00 look like a POSITIVE day... contador,mosquera. Robert Wagner 12:00 4:45 on bike, 175km always up and down, sunny but too much wind.Now good rest, tomorrow and saturday only 2h and next Sunday the big race!!! Carlos Barredo 10:00 We're watching in the teamhotel of the austrian guys ( Berni Eisel & Packo Wrolich ). So everything is ok,beside the news of Contador ;/ Paul Martens 09:00 Goodmorning...watching my team mates @richie_porte & @f_cancellara battel 4 gold in AUS...you guys rock!! Jakob Fulgsang 05:00 To everybody...we don't have internet at the hotel,at least not fast and free neither. I'll go to a cafe i guess to watch it! Paul Martens Mittwoch, 29. September 03:00 Did an hour ride along the ocean. Nice roads and views. Now waiting, lunch, and warming up for an hour of suffering through Geelong. Koos Moerenhout 01:00 Our hotel doesn't have to channel which broadcasts the worlds. That's a great pain in the ass.....we don't know hoe to handle this problem Paul Martens 19:00 to the hotel for Franco-Belge stage race. 30/9 - 3/10. won it 2002 in front of this young gun neo pro kid - Boonen ;-) Robbie McEwen 18:00 finished 6h ride with team netapp & nutrixxon! german style today.. long & easy! Robert Wagner 18:00 My flight from bergamo was canceled. got another one from Verona-Brussels over Frankfurt...are now in Frankfurt so looks like I'll make it! Jakob Fulgsang 17:00 feeling better! still not 100% but on a good way. Maybe I do piemont+lombardia on 14&16th oct. it depends how good I can train next week... Stefan Denifl 10:00 Lucky 13th win of the season... Couldn't have done it without all the amazing people who have supported me through the years. Very humbled. Taylor Phinney 09:00 I'm not racing on sunday ppl the circuit is to hard for me & other riders going better.so its only right they race... For now I'm just training here in Australia with all the guys keeping focused on Com games... Robert Hunter 09:00 out for a long one today.6h! just saw the u23 TT result.. no surprises what i see :-). great ride from kittel (skil-shimano 2011) !! Robert Wagner 08:00 T-T-Taayyloor Phinney. I was on the start ramp when I heard new best time. Even I felt less pressure knowing he'd win. Imagine how he felt. Happy w my ride, especially after lap one hearing the announcer say, "He looks terrible, like a sinking ship." Ready for Friday. Ben King Dienstag, 28. September 01:00 @Tvangarderen88 brought me coffee in bed this morning...how nice is that... David Zabriskie 00:00 Every day the same,first for breakfast....and waiting for them to bring the food...it's 7.30, that's a decent time...so bring it on #hungry Paul Martens 12:00 Just had a thought. What if my neighbour reads twitter? Charles Wegelius 12:00 Heading out on the bike now that it's a little warmer...could be last real training so better be a good one! 19 days left & 10 race days. Jakob Fulgsang 11:00 Andre Greipel really is a celeb here in OZ...gets recognized everywhere!!! Paul Martens 11:00 Did some laps on the World's ciruit today. Very windy en rainy outthere. Very difficult TT. About time that racing starts here! Koos Moerenhout 09:00 Audioboo: And people wonder why I am so grumpy in the am! http://boo.fm/b189639 Charles Wegelius 09:00 Can you put sound recordings on twitter? I want to record the racket my neighbours are putting on since 8am! Charles Wegelius 07:00 I've been told Oz in the spring has 4 seasons in a single day. We just rode 2+ hours and definitely saw all 4 seasons. Twice. Ted King 07:00 Ooh man,legs have to get better till sunday...what a storm here in torquay... Paul Martens Montag, 27. September 02:00 We're on our way to Melbourne to have a look at the first part of sunday's race. http://twitpic.com/2sn2jx Koen de Kort 01:00 in Geelong, head out for a look at the TT course later, getting mixed reports of how harder race it will be, I've never done an easy TT but! Richie Porte 22:00 Just learned that owner of Chicago Cubs is coming on World Bicycle Relief trip. I need 2 learn about baseball before trip. Any quick tips?? Joahn Bruyneel 19:00 Today training with my new Specialized,is very nice!! Here is the bike!hahaha....and me;) http://plixi.com/p/47489007 Alberto Contador 08:00 Going to melbourne but not visiting the city.Will have a rendez-vous in the swiss club in downtown.Small talk, pressconference an move back. Strange aussie law on the highway to go to melbourne. Tre lines and the speed is 100km/h. In suisse 120km/h and suisse is so small conuntry. Fabian Cancellara 08:00 It doesn't seem strange that we'd get women's cut jerseys on the pro mens usa worlds team does it? Bravo usacycling, again. #pleasejusttry Tom Peterson 04:00 Made it all the way to Sydney only to find out that Delta forgot to book my last flight...ah, just a 10 hour layover to catch the next one. Craig Lewis 04:00 Little shower in Geelong. We stay Merucure Hotel same like French team. And I feel people is very kindness here. Oh starting Jet lag..(◎_◎;) Fumy Beppu 03:00 One of my bikes has arrived. Cheers @British_airways. http://yfrog.com/7hri8yj Gregory Henderson Sonntag, 26. September 23:00 First one in the dining room this morning. HELLO jetlag, jetleg HELLO....bad weahter outside,but so much people are sporting...that's nice Paul Martens 17:00 @christianmeier hope the wedding was exactly how u wanted it!! Goodluck in your days togheter as husband an wife!! Ricardo van de Velde 14:00 Stayin up late (10:00PM) makin up stories about unicorns and emailing them to my lady friend. Yeah I know, I'm a special breed. Taylor Phinney 11:00 off to Geelong tomorrow for a little race Thursday. Should be fun! Richie Porte 11:00 Yesterday in Madrid I saw a guy walking around with a little black pig! No leash! As I was in "chueca" it wasn't the strangest thing a saw! Manuel Quinziato 08:00 What appears to be funeral urn has been placed in carpark by neighbour to deter me from using her spot. Harsh. http://twitpic.com/2s48t0 Charles Wegelius 04:00 Dutch national team on the finishing straight of the worlds in Geelong. Nice circuit. http://twitpic.com/2s1hp9 Koen de Kort 02:00 Heading out for more course recon w/ @tvangarderen88 and @dzabriskie... I have a feeling I won't be needing my iPod on this ride. Taylor Phinney Samstag, 25. September 23:00 Control passport in Paris airport.Why only one guy working for that.Many people waiting now.. even Priority line.Please work more harder. Now they working harder!People pass so easy..I think less security..isn't it!? Fumiyuki Beppu 22:00 Me and #TimmyDuggan are on mosquito haunting in our room! We have already 5 but there are more in our room! Michel Kreder 21:00 http://twitpic.com/2rx9bl - That's the motorbike I want to use for having motorpace! Rock on! Manuel Quinziato 20:00 Long way to go to Australia.I going to Paris by TGV now and I flight from Paris to Singapore, Melbourne.Anyway I enjoying long travel!! But, I'm worry about my bike and bags.Because, some bad people interesting my electronic stuffs ☹It's real!Always WATCH OUT! Fumiyuki Beppu 13:00 Just descovered that Robbin Williams' movie "Dead poets society" was traslated in italian as "L'attimo fuggente" WTF. For who asked "L'attimo fuggente" means smtg like "the moment that runs away" Manuel Quinziato 13:00 And... STOP the clock, we've arrived at the hotel in Torquay. A long but good travel, can't wait for a shower now! Koen de Kort 12:00 Still no bags. No bikes. At least I'll be freddy fresh legs for worlds. Gregory Henderson 11:00 Arrived in Melbourne,bloody long trip.waiting now for the german riders,they went with another flight Paul Martens 08:00 Just done a good trainimg ride. Now watch le final of australian football. That the reason why the roads are empty. All @ home an watching. I dont no so much about the grand final football and the 2 teams they are playing. For a non aussie i fan for St. Kilda. Fabian Cancellara 03:00 Cold here in Aus, saw the circuit yesterday and yes its hard. I must say we pretty tight here, been a good atmosphere so far Daryl Impey Freitag, 24. September 01:00 Gatting ready for 1st traning for me on new continent Alexandr Kolobnev 01:00 Had a great flight to Singapore, think I slept about 9 hours. Now coffee to wake me up, leaving for Melbourne in about 2hrs. Having a coffee with @PaulRaats @ronanvzandbeek @blaaki and @kirsten_wild http://twitpic.com/2rm0ot Koen de Kort 01:00 Went out for a 20min run this morning, feels like I've done 5hrs on the bike with 100 squats! #seriouspain Leigh Howard 01:00 Good morning... I'm on Melbourne...first night and I slept really good...the weather is nice too so I'm ready for my first trainning here!! Carlos Barredo 21:00 Look what i just found in my garage...charging batteries now..play time ;-) http://yfrog.com/nftqzij Jakob Fulgsang 18:00 Landed in Oz. Never again.. Too much traveling Janez Brajkovic 11:00 Leg 2 of the travel coming up, flight from Amsterdam to Singapore. Fair bit of orange on the plane here! Koen de Kort 11:00 On my way to Tour de Vendee. Allready 2h30 by car, now 700k by bus. Alternative for 2 flights tomorrow and get up at 4:00am. I Prefer bus. Ben Hermans 09:00 Killing time in the business lounge of Ethiad.there are worse places to hang around.Facing 23hours travel to OZ... Paul Martens 08:00 Start the clock for my travel to Torquay, Australia. First leg in car with mum to Amsterdam airport. Koen de Kort 05:00 A bird flew into my helmet today while riding...they say it's some kind of mating thing...I must be in my prime... David Zabriskie Donnerstag, 23. September 03:00 The traveling is done.I lost my virginity.... beaucause first time in australia. We driving now to Geelong were the swiss team is staying Fabian Cancellara 01:00 Travel isn't normal without some lost baggage. Wait its there apparently but cant release my bag. Last time I checked it was mine Daryl Impey 01:00 found our way home without gps but with a cold breeze. U2 was awesome, broken window on car & stolen gps was less cool. #insurancepolicy Robbie McEwen 01:00 What do you know.All 6 bags didn't arrive.That's weird I had such faith in British Airways.Honestly worst airline award has to go the them Gregory Henderson 00:00 So I'm down under.weather not the best.Come on OZ feel like im in the UK :) still waiting for transport to hotel 8 hours later... Robert Hunter 23:00 Back home after another good dinner with @Roman86_K We were @ Caminetto, Calmasion tonight and got some great meat! nice not having to cook! Jakob Fulgsang 18:00 After my day in singapore will continue to the aussie land(melbourne). Done 60km today with my soigneur thomas and mechanic roger. Fabian Cancellara 17:00 Parents house now a photo studio. Last interview before I leave for Aus tomorrow! http://twitpic.com/2r6u0o Koen de Kort 11:00 This weekend I ride Memorial Pantani and Gp Toscane.. My brother is riding there also,I'm exciting to ride the first time with him!! Michel Kreder Mittwoch, 22. September 00:00 At the Singapore airlines lounge, killing time before connecting flight to Melbourne. Allready saw 4 movies during first flight! Koos Moerenhout 00:00 First things first...where is boomarangs "R" us... David Zabriskie 22:00 http://twitpic.com/2qycsb - Dessert from friends for me and @Jakob_fuglsang!we had good dinner in beautiful company! Roman Kreuziger 18:00 Did some motorpacing behind a tank today. So smooth. Had all kinds of missiles on it too. Thought better of photographing, tad dangerous. Charles Wegelius 16:00 just home from the inter-school running races. The boy was 7th in his age group, came home strong & had fun. Really proud of him! Robbie McEwen 16:00 Did 3h30 training in really good company with @carlosbarredo, Pasamontes, Luis Leon Sanchez and Mr. Pedro Delgado! Manuel Quinziato 15:00 just back from medical check, x-ray picture shows still a terrible infection of nose and ears... thats a long story, but I have to take care Stefan Denifl 14:00 And the trip begins to Australia!not looking forward to all the flying...Geelong is one hell of a long way away from Switzerland. Robert Hunter 13:00 Just done my pressconf. No new news. Leaving team saxo end of 2010. Will go to the worlds now. Siting now in a new airbus 380. Crazy big. About 2011 there is nothing official to say about my future. A lot of rumours bin going on. I dont have eny contract signet somewear. Fabian Cancellara 12:00 Ice cream is like Tetris.....it just fits between the gaps! Leigh Howard 10:00 Will do some motopacing for Karsten Kroon today. First time I'm sure he's hurting while we're training! Laurens ten Dam 10:00 we are still on the road .. After Dubai, we are now in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! last flight of 7 hours for Melburne! Rock on Daniel Oss 08:00 No little tv's on this plane...its going to be fun inside my head for 14 hours... David Zabriskie Dienstag, 21. September 20:00 Today 2 hours, easy riding and stop for coke. Tomorrow 3 hours and thursday we are going to take the plane to Australia. Good felling!! Carlos Barredo 02:00 This isn't turning out so well. Missed connection. 24hrs in London. No hotels at LHR so bus to Gatwick. No bags/bikes either. Gregory Henderson 02:00 Chilling in Doha airport....with old teamates (& friends) Phil (Gilbert) and Dirk Dewolf of all people... Cadel Evans 21:00 Trained with @carlosbarredo & Pasamontes this am. Good guys! After lunch I spent 3h in a Madrid's Starbucks studing on my books! At 99% I don't have any other race in this season! Keep training anyway... Manuel Quinziato 18:00 Work experience....Chauffeur...it's an honour too... http://twitpic.com/2qljch and From one Worlds to another... http://twitpic.com/2qljdx Cadel Evans 16:00 Don't u love it when u see a doc about a problem & thay say." I have no idea what its is or how to fix it." I'm like now I gotta pay u? Robert Hunter 15:00 I think i ll feel good in this fly;) http://yfrog.com/1gfupsj Daniel Oss 15:00 Last night I had 13hours of sleep,not to bad I think after a grand tour!now a easy recovery ride Michel Kreder 11:00 It's nearly go time. Last day in Girona. Back to Aussie. Season over in Europe. British Airways please be gentle. We have excess galore. Gregory Henderson 07:00 Soggy, cold, wet day. Ideal for sneaking back to bed with the papers.... Charles Wegelius Montag, 20. September 23:00 Dinner time with @manuelquinziato http://twitpic.com/2qem0o Jacopo Garnieri 22:00 in munich and the just announce some technical problem with the plane. How to kill time when all shops are closed.. Emilia Fahlin 21:00 Emirates is up there with the good airlines for the moment. Checked in, no excess, food is great in the lounge and a brand new A 380. Mark Renshaw 18:00 The 35h jerney begins! florence-munich-bangkok-melbourne Emilia Fahlin 18:00 Did some heavy work today. Rearranged the street in front garden. One handed! Also on the DIY day. Put a 'dressoir' together. Was there into pieces in my living room for 3 months. You can imagine my wife is happy now! Laurens ten Dam 16:00 Finally: rest! Today i'm a tourist! http://twitpic.com/2qbqqz Jacopo Guarnieri 16:00 Last day in Euroland before Oz....long ride for the legs. X-rays, orthopedic surgeon's analysis and physio for the elbow... Nearly ready! Cadel Evans 14:00 Being tourists this week in Madrid with the family. Looks so different from your feet than flying around on 2 wheels:) Tom Danielson 12:00 At home with my family great finish from the vuelta ,satisfied to have come back after the crash in tdf.missed the great legs from tds n tdf. Very happy to end my season in good way,also was my last race for bjarne lots of emotions and to bjarne thx for all those years n great. Great commitment n support very proud of what we achieved together Fränk Schleck 09:00 Wonder what my excess will be on the flight to Oz. Two bikes, six wheels and the bag full of electronic cables that charge my gadgets. Mark Renshaw Sonntag, 19. September 13:00 toscana finished! judith got the pink jersey, great week! And tonite I enjoyed italian pizza in florence with few swedish girls! Emilia Fahlin 22:00 ToB was an awesome race, most enjoyable race so far this season! Richie Porte 19:00 Aaaaand: it's over! Now it's time to celebrate! This was my last race in the same team with @willemsfrederik, @Roman86_K , Santino and Zaugg. Thanx guys for everythings! Jacopo Guarnieri 19:00 Started a new 3 days block w/ hard training 2day and just finished cleaning my app. Think I deserve a big ice-cream 2night :-P Jakob Fulgsang 19:00 Vuelta done! Yes!!!!!!! Got my grand tour top ten thanks to my family, friends, and team. Thank you to everyone who always believed in me. And the icing on the cake was Ty's win today! Woohoo! Tom Danielson 19:00 Wow that was fast!! Help Tyler out before the sprint and he won.. Great team work today!now some beer and pizza on the bus on our way to the hotel.. Michel Kreder 14:00 Its official. We've listened to Eminem every day in the bus at la Vuelta. Tejay van Garderen 10:00 Just wake up, i didn't sleep well.Anyway the race is almost over!Not bad as a first time in a GT, thanx to all my teammate:great experiance! Jacopo Guarnieri 10:00 Ordinary civil life weekend. Breakfast, and me and my misses go out for a hike. 12 k today. Practice for the Californian holiday! Laurens ten Dam 09:00 2day is big day for @VincenzoNibali!red jersey and we are in Madrid,great season for him! For me last start of season 2day in jersey of Liquigas!after long season very tired,I hope next year w/t Astana I come back more strong! Roman Kreuziger Samstag, 18. September 00:00 back from england and back on internet! happy that i'm home soon. ToB was very tough..not good enough to sprint on the podium. Robert Wagner 21:00 Awesome end to the Vuelta today. Insane "road" to nowhere. Congrats to Nibali for the win. #guts Christian Vande Velde 19:00 Congratulations Taylor. I have to tell you, that really stings! I once lost an hour long TT in the Dauphine by .14 of a second, but I took the yellow jersey. I'm looking forward to tomorrow Levi Leipheimer 18:00 Just returned to home after an 2h afternoon ride and bike wash in the end...just made it without getting wet!! Jakob Fulgsang 17:00 Mosquera is incredibly efficient out of the saddle. its a very unique pedaling style. Jonathan Vaughters 17:00 Great Chicchi!!! a quiet race for me .. risk-free! Legs? feel good!!! Daniel Oss 16:00 Hum, for all who asked made, was Eros Poli! Good and huge guy! For sure the heaviest who won such a stage! Manuel Quinziato 13:00 I've been riding a bike for around 23 years! Never have I ridden in rain as heavy as today! Wow... Michael Rogers 13:00 World is small! Just met a Mount Ventoux TdF stage winner in the IKEA of Brescia! On the way to airport! Manuel Quinziato 11:00 Interesting advice from @ChristianVDV yesterday 'you ought to go in the break tomorrow Teej. You're still good, just head f***ed'. I'll try Tejay van Garderen 11:00 Today's stage we go to the top of Bola Del Mundo or 'End of the World' what kind of climb will that be like?!I guess its a hard one! Michel Kreder 09:00 The final test of the legs 180km in the bergs then its off Madrid! Matthew Goss Freitag, 17. September 21:00 Happy Birthday "voigte" (Jens Voigt) wow you still riding ,almost 40 :-) but you have a big family , and everyone had hungry ha ha Andreas Klöden 20:00 jumped up to sanchez on the final climb but got caught 1km to go...maybe should have waited for the sprint, but the legs are feeling good! Matthew Goss 18:00 How do you become a pope?? Would love to spend £12million in 4days!! Gerraint Thomas 18:00 That was a hard finish.Very surprised how steep the finish straight was.It was a slow motion sprint.Cheers @teamsky again.Close but...2nd. Gregory Henderson 18:00 Still finished the most long stage of vuelta 235km!congrats to Gilbert for his win!@VincenzoNibali very good 2day!I save my legs for 2morrow Roman Kreuziger 17:00 had to train the first time with gloves today, freezing.... Summer is definetly over now for me Simon Geschke 17:00 finished 3rd in a bunch kick... Funny stuff! Richie Porte 16:00 Last 2 days spent doing houseworks! I feel like I did 12h in the gym! Anyway my new lamp holder is finally hanging from the ceiling! Manuel Quinziato 14:00 Day so far been a little ride and just lunch. Short TT of 2.2k late tonite. Now some coffees to stay awake for it Emilia Fahlin 11:00 Just found out today isn't my last race, I race Sunday now aswell. Leigh Howard 09:00 Rain in Spain! Of course it has to be the day when we have 230km in a headwind! Matthew Goss Donnerstag, 16. September 21:00 Just back out of massage. 2more hard long days,we had a crazy finish today this in the rain would have been nuts.so come on nobody needs this. Congrats to cav but our argentinia fellow came close good strong solid rider.applause jj Fränk Schleck 20:00 This Saturday is gonna be nasty! But first we have a 250k to warm up 2morrow. Then, La Bolla del Mundo...after Navacerada, twice. Christian Vande Velde 19:00 Finish other stage,on paper was total flat,but in real all day up and down!we were all in bunch!congrats to Cav for his 3win on Vuelta! Roman Kreuziger 18:00 Well...I haven't been on my 6+ tweets a day lately. So I apologize for that even though most of you are probably enjoying this down time ;) Taylor Phinney 18:00 Very fast day in #TourofBritain but ended up in bunch sprint. Tried leading out Wagner and I got 7th, Wagi still on my wheel... Koen de Kort 17:00 Relaxing with a coffe after a good and hard training!! Jakob Fulgsang 11:00 why do I know stuff about womens clothing sizes? Got a wife - women be shoppin!! They come home & show their trophies. i see you nodding Robbie McEwen 11:00 My new WC TT bike http://yfrog.com/neqctbj Janez Brajkovic 10:00 @Greghenderson1 doing opposite w bra sizing than w dress sizes. dress size 10 became a 6, 36C bra is now DD. #departmentstorepsychology Robbie McEwen 10:00 "In the past ten years, the median bra size in the U.S. has increased from a 36C to a 36DD. Why?" Gregory Henderson Mittwoch, 15. September 21:00 had to quit the race today after 100km. had pain in my knee after I get out of the pedals and I have encountered on the handlebars. Congrats to Paul Martens win in GP Wallonie, he is a young strong German Rider. Andreas Klöden 19:00 Holy crap, what an unbelievable time trial by Peter Velits! What a champion! Leigh Howard 18:00 We did a great G.P. Wallonie with team Rabobank. @PMartens83 won in an impressive way. I had to go the podium to pick up the mountain prize. Was a good day in the Ardenns. Koos Moerenhout 18:00 First pocket twitter!! George Hincapie 18:00 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 George Hincapie 18:00 Good news,@VincenzoNibali had take red jersey after TT,but Mosquera can be very dangerous for GC saturday on Bola del Mondo! my head had take the TT a little relax and feel bad legs;-)!but I'm sure then saturday I give my best!Congrats to Peter Velits,great job! Roman Kreuziger 18:00 GP Wallone done; 3rd for me. Martens made a good move to win it. #brakesdontwinsprints Cadel Evans 17:00 PERFECT! RT @johnswah: @christianmeier don't worry dude. We have a big a#* bus on @uhcprocycling, too. Christian Meier 17:00 4 hour post race transfer to the hotel, watching Pineapple Express on the big screen #goingtomissthisbus Christian Meier 17:00 Watching Vuelta Espana on tv. Really important day for the GC. I think @Vincenzonibali needs to give at least 1'30" to Purito today... Manuel Quinziato 14:00 Uh, it's hard to switch back to Slovenian language. I'm still talking to myself in English :-/ Janez Brajkovic 13:00 Just get back from the 1.warmup. Done one loup of the circuit. 46km flat. Backwind 25km and headwind 21km and this on a big big road.ouch Fabian Cancellara 10:00 had to borough a 2010 jersey from chinese teammate Cheng, so now i can do the race, sky is also blue. so no problems left Simon Geschke Dienstag, 14. September 23:00 My daughter told her class today that I was a bull fighter in Spain! I can't stop laughing. Christian Vande Velde 23:00 @mcewenrobbie you a curling connoisseur mate? Koen de Kort 23:00 @Greghenderson1 i'm sure they suck at AFL & don't remember seeing a curling team at Winter Olymics Robbie McEwen 23:00 Spanish Sport. They are pretty solid all around. Tennis. Cycling. Football. F1. Triathlon.Anything else? Gregory Henderson 22:00 Rest day slowly out,but was really relax day!only 1hr bike,massage and sleep in afternoon!now dinner! Roman Kreuziger 19:00 This #TourofBritain is damn hard! Very hard start split the bunch after only 10kms. Legs are hurting after climbing every little / here. Mark Renshaw 19:00 @allandavis27 climbing like a mountain goat mate, saw you in there with the last 30 or so guys yesty. Goodluck for the coming days. Leigh Howard 18:00 tomorrow it could be a tough race. Very windy and some rain. We will see. And now a little game. http://twitpic.com/2odrd0 Andreas Klöden 17:00 Attacked on what I thought was the last climb of the day...it wasn't and I paid... Christian Meier 15:00 Arrived back home in Italy! Here for a week then back to Australia for the worlds! Michael Rogers 10:00 In Spain I always wondered why British people burn so quickly. Now I know, there's no sun here!! Raining hard again... Koen de Kort 02:00 Just pulled a small piece of French road out of my arm... Yummm. =P Taylor Phinney Montag, 13. September 00:00 I am so happy that i can sleep so long i want. RESTDAY in the vuelta is coming. Relax relax and chillout and littel training for an hour. Fabian Cancellara 22:00 ...And also today is gone! Tomorrow rest day: finally! Now in bus to next hotel, just finished to watch "Superbad" with teammates! Jacopo Guarnieri 20:00 tough stage in ToB but team were awesome, legs are good! Albasini is going like a freight train.. Richie Porte 19:00 Greg and Daryl playing psp Soccer Game. Is very Funny to wach and listen. Both complain only about the Referee :-) http://twitpic.com/2o47qp Andreas Klöden 16:00 GC lost due to 2 punctures in the last 20km. Fell back to second group, nothing I could do about it. Very F-in upset! Big thank you to my teammates for giving wheels and waiting for me. Great work guys, I know I can count on you all. Koen de Kort 15:00 Going to have a wander around Montreal today. Cyclists wander very very slowly by foot. Charles Wegelius 14:00 Put the wrong jersey on yesterday and raced a protour race with no numbers. Danny Pate 14:00 Normally I'd be concerned about the guy wearing full camouflage in 16C, but its an Air Canada flight, so I'm not so stressed, eh? Jonathan Vaughters 12:00 Short Ride with the guys, stop for a Coffee. http://twitpic.com/2o0t40 Andreas Klöden 12:00 back at home now. will go to the doc for a big check up. still totally tiered! since the landing my ears have a terrible pressure inside :S Stefan Denifl 10:00 Mañana es Cotobello, I wish to be there but there are more important things in life and I know I am a lucky boy. Maybe next time ... Jose Luis Rubiera 10:00 Prepared the motorbike. Now waiting for my dad and put him on it. Going for a 3 hr training behind him. Koos Moerenhout 09:00 Bit of sunshine for 3rd mountain stage in a row!!! 3 1st cat climbs. Would be happy to keep up with the top guys again! Hard day task though Nicholas Roche Sonntag, 12. September 01:00 Just watch a german movie "Das Leben der Anderen" The life of others. I think it won the Oscar as best foreign movie. Well deserved! Manuel Quinziato 01:00 Great team effort today in Montreal. Everyone rode aggressive and tried to make the race hard. Another fantastic crowd too! Thank you. These Canadian ProTour races have been a huge success! Hope to see them continue for many years Levi Leipheimer 01:00 Just watched GP Montreal with the boys. Great ride by @ryder_hesjedal had us all yelling and doing "legend" impersonations. Christian Vande Velde 00:00 I'm sure you guys already know, but those Velits Bros are strong. DAMN strong! Tejay van Garderen 23:00 if any PT team need a strong rider/top guy.. @timgudsell is a free agent! Tough kiwi lad.. Richie Porte 22:00 6th in GP Fourmies. total chaos in last km & didn't get a good run. Feillu had a strong w/end though, so congrats to him. Robbie McEwen 21:00 Though my head was far from in the race after the DS told me 15min before the start I don't have a job for next year. Great motivator... Tim Gudsell 21:00 Really wanted a pizza in my feed bag today. Rode up the cowabunga with Johnny Walker...he's super famous here. Dave Zabriskie 20:00 I already finished Mafia 2 for pc, that was unexpected. Guess I'll have to watch more movies now (or cricket on tv...) Koen de Kort 19:00 Was a fast Race.In the 2. Part of the Race,the weather was good.Our Team had bad luck in the End,our Sprinter had a Flat 5k to go :-( Andreas Klöden 17:00 It seems ppl dont quite understand this competition 4 last place business. It is a joke, lets not take twitter too seriously! U know who u r. On a nicer note I'm off to Greenville tmrw 2 see if I can win the Elite National TT...then 2 Oz 4 the U23 Worlds! Avenir has bn great prep! Taylor Phinney 17:00 Oh and something totally crazy happened today at #tourofbritain...it didn't rain... Christian Meier 16:00 Well...that hurt... Lost the competition for last place to Timmy Kennaugh, worthy adversary. ;) I finished Avenir! Happy with that. Taylor Phinney 14:00 At Monza GP sitting at the 2nd schakain in the grandstand......unbeleivable! Leigh Howard 12:00 @taylorphinney Lantern Rouge? Grow up. Are you even american? You should blitz this TT so I can have it... Alex Howes 10:00 @taylorphinney you caught the bug. I fought hard for the Lantern Rouge at Catalunya but some German from Milram got me. I wanted that Ham Joao Correia 09:00 I am 4 seconds out of Lantern Rouge (last place). It is a tricky balance because I have to race this TT since there is time cut... But I want this Lantern Rouge!! We'll see what goes down... ;) honestly I'm just happy to get this far! After that crash...wasn't so sure. Taylor Phinney Samstag, 11. September 01:00 2day, @taylorphinney brought something 2 my attention here @ Tour de L'Avenir... "Hey Johan, u won this race in the year I was born!"OUCH! Johan Bruyneel 23:00 This night we will have open the balcony door... Our hotel is just in front of the sea (santander) lisening the waves.. Great sound Fabian Cancellara 23:00 I want to watch Klitschko vs Peter ! But im in France , no channel, where i can watch it :-( how is the fight ??? Maybe the name from this Race is GP de Fourmies . Sorry I have never heard bevore from this Race !! Andreas Klöden 23:00 Missing Hayden Roulston. He was my roomie here at La Vuelta. Now I'm all alone. :( Tejay van Garderen 21:00 No crash, just my healthy prob gets worst the last days... I only have one body, i have to take care of him! Life goes on Stefan Denifl 21:00 Paris-Brussels.didn't have the legs in last km, was going well then seemed to get full body cramp. just exploded. hmm. very tough finale Robbie McEwen 21:00 The vuelta has so much more people that comes watching the race more and more. Years ago was really no one on the road.Thanks for supporting Fabian Cancellara 20:00 Team USA killin it at Tour de L'Avenir on 9/11...riding in honor of those that were lost. Gives me chills! Never Forget. Taylor Phinney 19:00 Very well done other stage!Nibali is in red jersey,that's good,but I'm disappointed.. about crash from Igor Anton!now travel to hotel! Roman Kreuziger 19:00 went up the road in Tour of Britain, got myself sprint jersey and some vital seconds for GC. Enjoyable day! Richie Porte 18:00 Wow. Last night I wasn't going to start today. This morning I decided I'd do 58km then quit. At 58km I decided to ride until the feed @120km...At the feed I still felt good and decided to stay in and help Team USA rip the field in half before the finishing climb...at the base of the climb i was going to stop, but I kept on going to the finish. What was going to be a non-start turned into 204km! haha Taylor Phinney 17:00 Man, I wake up, turn on the TV, and see two guys in Argyle, one with a mustache, off the front. Jonathan Vaughters 17:00 Andre Griepel wins stage one! Guess we are on the front now. I put him on sky's wheel 250m out and he done the rest. Mark Renshaw 13:00 Wake up at 6.a.m.. And now we move to Montreal by train!!!;) http://yfrog.com/j1v6gj Daniel Oss 10:00 Beautiful morning in UK for the farmers!! Rain & more rain.seeing I'm a bike rider I'd like the sun.lucky its areal short stage today 130kms Robert Hunter 09:00 off to the start of Paris-Brussels.trying for win no.6 but the new final 20km is super hard w/4 climbs & about 6 other hills. #nobunchsprint Robbie McEwen Freitag, 10. September 23:00 Great race today in Quebec City, especially the crowds. The circuit was a technical "leg breaker". Looking forward to Mont Royal! Levi Leipheimer 22:00 Nice guys, crashing at 30kmh on 20m wide road. Thank you.... I wouldnt mind, but I had pretty freaking good legs. Now almost not able to walk Janez Brajkovic 21:00 Some great laughs at the dinner table 2night. My Tour de L'Avenir is almost over! Time to re-focus on the TT in Greenville and Worlds in Oz! Tomorrow Team USA is prepared to do everything possible in order for @andrewtalansky to kick ASS on the final climb. Go buddy! Taylor Phinney 20:00 Nice ride 2day, lots of wind did 4:30 then watch La Vuelta congrats Cav. Frank keep on hanging there Leea is proud of her Daddy and me 2 Andy Schleck 20:00 Just had a good chat w/ @johanbruyneel who's at TdA scoping talent... Hes a great guy n very supportive of whatever my decision is 4 nxt yr. Taylor Phinney 11:00 I wanted to get in one break at the vuelta for good training before the worlds, today was it! Bummer 3km of short of st win as well! #ohwell Allan Davis 18:00 Been a long day.now sitting in Geneva airport and flight ia 20 minutes late..mmm not gonna be in hotel till midnight tonight... Just bought something at the airport & surprise surprise it was 10 euros more expensive inside the duty free area #i scored!! Why is it that duty free just rip ppl off totally!It used to be a place to buy stuff cheap.not anymore!might be duty free but 500% markup! Robert Hunter 17:00 Well, I got through today...this morning I wasn't so certain! Finished in the main gruppetto. Still truckin on... I'm hearing that I am no longer the Lantern Rouge! (last place) Dang it! Was working hard for that one... Taylor Phinney 16:00 G'morning...breakfast done and soon its time to get dressed for racing...weather look better 2day :) Gonna be a hard race for sure!! Jakob Fulgsang 12:00 What a morning!on the train to Geneva to collect passport then fly to UK..was on the home trainer when I got told to get moving!! Robert Hunter 11:00 I'm @ Tour de l'Avenir 2 see some young guns who may be the champions of the future. Guess who won this race 20 (!) years ago? Johan Bruyneel 09:00 Waiting at Schiphol airport to leave to the UK for the Tour of Britain. Looking forward to racing in the UK, my first time ever! Koen de Kort Donnerstag, 9. September 23:00 restday for our chief Willi! He was not allowed to go in the hotel-kitchen for cooking :p Stefan Denifl 21:00 In a other motorway motel!! 3rd one in this vuelta! In sted of counting sheeps to sleep ill be counting trucks! Nicholas Roche 21:00 off to Britain. it's been 15 yrs since I havent been there Marco Pinotti 19:00 confirmation - I've signed w/ Aussie team (title sponsor name tbc) for 2011. Very proud to be a part of it & help to build on it in future. Hope the UCI accepts the Pro Tour licence app. How good would that be?! But first - giving 100% for Katusha till season end Robbie McEwen 18:00 That was a fast one! Felt a bit easier... Thor finished 5th! Now 2hr transfer to the hotel... Stefan Denifl 17:00 Worst. Day. Ever. @Alex_Howes was my savior... Thank you man, what a teammate. I did finish. Keeping my Lantern Rouge hopes alive... Now... gonna muster up the energy to shower and start smiling. Gotta stay positive! :) Taylor Phinney 15:00 Ok so got home to check the post box for today, nothing again..problem is I fly at 10 am tomorrow post man arrives at 11am everyday mmm... Gonna have to change my flights in hope that it comes tomorrow at 11am.if nothing comes I'm pretty screwed!! I hate this bureaucratic shit Robert Hunter 14:00 off to tour of Britain then fly to Aus for World champs then straight back to Europe for end of season! Tired just thinking about it.. Richie Porte 13:00 Had a good morning with the family in Lucerne..should be leaving tomorrow for tour of Britain.only prob I don't have my passport & visa yet Robert Hunter 10:00 Setting my ipod playlist for a 4h solo training! Sun is shining... Manuel Quinziato Mittwoch, 8. September 21:00 great ride by x. tondo, 3rd in stage+gc!! I was going for bottles and 15k to go was gruppeto time. I wonder if I will found my shape again. by the way, we have a very nice hotel here in andorra. a big bathroom, and sleeping room as well. all in all we a very lucky since the start Stefan Denifl 20:00 Solid day to Andorra today. Little by little I am inching closer to my goal. Didn't eat enough and bonked a little in the last k. Tom Danielson 19:00 Hungerflatted on the last climb. I sucked. Payed for yesterdays efforts. Last 3 km were hell. Greats team job today! Pity Denis wasn't good enough. One of my best team mates ever Juanma became Father of a healthy son this morning. Really great. Picture is hanging in the corridor allready. Had a great chat with Pedro Horrillo yesterday at the room. That guy is unbelievable kind. Took care of a child from Tjernobil all summer! Everything is said. Enjoy your day! Laurens ten Dam 18:00 Yes, made the Worlds selection for the Netherlands and I'll wear the beautiful orange jersey in Melbourne and Geelong. Nice bday present! Koen de Kort 18:00 Made it! I'm alive...did my job as team motor b4 the climb, then suffered my way to the finish. @andrewtalansky 3rd on the stage!! Taylor Phinney 17:00 Some little French guy from Ag2r ended my day at 4k to go 2day.Decided to rip spokes out of my front wheel.Oh well.Skin still on. Gregory Henderson 16:00 Made my Madrid-Nice flight. Been home to Monaco for the fastest unpack and repack ever. Now at Nice airport waiting for my flight to Dubai. Simon Gerrans 14:00 Back Home in Lux and focus for my last goal this season Giro dell'Emilia 09.10/G.P. Beghelli 10.10/Milano-Torino 13.13/Giro di Lombardia Andy Schleck 12:00 Up early here in Quebec! Jetlag, Grrrrr Michael Rogers 12:00 Jetlaged...can't sleep any more and its 06:06...think i went to bed to early! Jakob Fulgsang 10:00 Not feeling too bad this morning...must be all the twitter love I'm getting. Thx guys:) Not raining yet so the race is still on! Taylor Phinney 10:00 not the best sleep, but my throat keeps going better :) today 208km with mountain finish in andorra... maybe we have the red jersey tomorr?? Stefan Denifl 09:00 Back at Madrid airport for another go. Simon Gerrans Dienstag, 7. September 01:44 Yep, he changed channel!! Charles Wegelius 01:42 Soon to be Papi Jonas Ljungblad is cracking up watching this!! Charles Wegelius 01:40 Staying awake....watching TV.... family with 19 children. The mind boggles Charles Wegelius 23:00 Consensus for tmrw. If it is raining I'm not starting. Dear Mother Nature, please hold your bladder. kkthanksbye Taylor Phinney 20:00 What's worse than a cancelled flight? Two cancelled flights! Talk about laying the boots in while I'm down. After 9:30hrs waiting at Madrid airport I gave up and got a hotel. I'll try again tomorrow morning. Simon Gerrans 19:00 Aussie teammate @timmyrroe is also in the hospital...saw him keeled over a barbed wire fence b4 I crashed. He's OK though! Crazy crazy day. This is nasty but check out @timmyrroe 's arm http://yfrog.com/5uifbnj ... Taylor Phinney 18:00 Had a bad crash today w/ 20km to go...wet roads, twisty descents. Was/am in a lot of pain but finished the stage. En rt to hospital... Nothing feels broken. Bittersweet because @alexdowsett takes over the lead now. Shit way to lose the jersey but there's always an upside... Team USA did an amazing job today on the front but luck wasn't on our side... @andrewtalansky flatted and lost time. What a crappy day. :( Taylor Phinney 16:00 Looking at cars for when i get back to Aus... Not long now ! Cant wait to get back on the right (left) side of the road. Mark Renshaw 15:00 That's 6hrs done at Madrid airport, now only 2hrs until I take off. Don't you hate it when your flight gets cancelled! Simon Gerrans 13:00 The last few days since pulling out of the Vuelta have been tough.. I'm now on my way home to Monaco, then onto to Australia tomorrow. Simon Gerrans 11:00 Plain hopping from Bilbao via Munich to Brussels and we got te same plane with same pilot and hostess.. #weird John Lee Augustyn 11:00 Plane late .got off ,rushed through airport to just catch plane which was the same one we just got off .crazy talk . Russel Downing 11:00 We were running to get the connection flight. We run into the same bus driver and than hopped on the same plane with the same staff. #funny Steven de Jongh 10:00 Rain outside! Time to dress the "student suit", it's months that the book of Administrative Law is waiting for me! Manuel Quinziato 08:00 Leaving Girona. Off to Bordeaux. Bit of history there for me, my 1st world champs in 06,my 1st Olympic prep in 08 now my 1st Comm games prep. Feels strange heading to a track prep in September. First time I have done one actually, prob only come round every 4yrs. Sam Bewley Montag, 6. September 22:00 Talansky n I jst had a whole skype double date via emoticons w/ Discovery channels new 'Two Hotties vs Wild' stars @katefox n @daniellagrace. I think it went well... Skype dating is one of my strong suits. ;^P Taylor Phinney 19:00 I dont touched my bike today! Yesterday was terrible. No power, throat pain and my speak was away. One of my hardest days on the bike ever Stefan Denifl 19:00 Also, congrats to my friend John Degenkolb... We've been battling since we were juniors! He's a huge talent, turning pro for HTC next year. Taylor Phinney 18:00 Airport staff on strike in Paris- we could be in for some colourful travel plans these next 24hrs Chris Froome 16:00 Relatively easy day on the front today... Team USA rode great as a unit. We kept the yellow jersey that's what matters! Was 5th in the sprint, pissed cos I hit a bump n pulled my foot out w/ 300m to go. Been having a bit of an issue with that this yr! But the boys were awesome, just unhappy I couldn't pull out the W for them! Hungry for tmrw... :) Taylor Phinney 14:00 Bags packed, apartment cleaned. One more feed of japanesse tonight, then see ya next year G-town! Sam Bewley 14:00 Very nice rest day here in Tarragona. The body is starting to come around and I am very happy I came here. Looking at travel to Australia. Christian Vande Velde 13:00 Finally rest day!now on beach drinking cold beer w/t team-mates!well to stay relax! http://twitpic.com/2lsrd8 - I liked this time! http://twitpic.com/2lsyf4 - Other short brake in Tarragona! Roman Kreuziger 11:00 first day off! i'll try to enjoy it with a super easy ride in Tarragona and an iced beer! Jacopo Guarnieri 11:00 View from the office http://twitpic.com/2ls2sl Manuel Quinziato Sonntag, 5. September 23:00 Tough race today on a hard course.......the same used for Belgium nationals not much recovery and a couple of nasty short climbs! Rooming with @clintonavery in Brugge for the week, keeping it kiwi! Jesse Sergent 23:00 We have 380km teambus transfer. Good sound chillout to classics and pumping sound all is on in our libarys. Such a cool trip... Fabian Cancellara 20:00 decided to train to leuven for gp jef scherens today...so nice 4h ride. saw a nice race from @@PMartens83! Robert Wagner 19:00 Hard stage today,but pity about my result!Why can't I win for one time??2morrow rest day here on Vuelta!now travel in bus to Tarragona. Roman Kreuziger 19:00 GP Leuven was tough, tech. & 2 steep hills. 6 man break sprinted 4 the win. My t/mate Maxime V/tomme a gd 2nd to Boom. I won sprint for 7th Robbie McEwen 18:00 Had good legs in GP Scherens today, in the break all day. Bummed I missed the final break of 6, was just a bit too much after all the work Koen de Kort 16:00 Ashamed to even call myself a Pro Cyclist today, not a good day at all! Leigh Howard 15:00 Last couple hours before this afternoon's National TT Champs in Wales. It's getting darker by the minute. Skin's waterproof, apparently... Chris Froome 12:00 Thanks to my two kids for there happy fathers day call this am, love dad! Allan Davis 09:00 another difficult day in perspective.. and a 400 kilometer drive after stage... Nicholas Roche Samstag, 4. September 01:00 Congrats to my Spanish neighbor Hermida on his huge win in MTB worlds today! Also congrats to Willow and Heather on 3rd and 6th! Tom Danielson 21:00 Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, your body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WooHoo what a ride"!!!! Leigh Howard 19:00 Congrats @jessesergent on joining the protour ranks.In my opinion he is a big big talent.Kiwis taking over the peloton. 6 of us now. Gregory Henderson 19:00 Giving spain the best mustache ride of the century... David Zabriskie 19:00 Crazy stage here on vuelta!very nervous,but for us was all ok,no crash!nibali was really strong on final climb!getting to hotel! Roman Kreuziger 15:00 Weather is slightly colder here in Belgium than in Spain,10-15 Degrees colder! Its a nice change tho now im not sweating like a.........alot Jesse Sergent 13:00 Just got back from a few laps by bike around Hyde Park. Very impressed about the huge amount of bikes in London. And a lot of them go fast! Johan Bruyneel 12:00 Busy morning, day off, so been sorting all my clothes etc. What to take, what to leave. Leaving Gtown on tuesday for the season. Heading to Bordeaux to join up with the National track team to start our preperation for the Comm Games at start of october. Sam Bewley 11:00 Blue sky, sun is out. hard stage comming up! all day long up and down. last climb is 3.8km long with ave 12% and max 22%, ouch... Stefan Denifl 11:00 Heading to Brussels on Easyjet, Already fighting for position. Race starts tomorrow people.. Mark Renshaw 10:00 Getting dressed... The wedding crasher is ready! Manuel Quinziato 09:00 Putting a 28 rear sproket today for ultimate climb! Apparently its realy nasty!! Good luck nico! :-) Nicholas Roche Freitag, 3. September 22:00 Happy b-day to blel kadri, a good excuse to finally eat something wurth calling a dessert! Nicholas Roche 21:00 Why are some people calling with a prive or blocked number?!?! If you missed the call you can't call back!! Michel Kreder 20:00 RIP Txema. Speechless. Such a shock. Such a sad occasion. He is the nicest guy you can ever hope to meet. Thoughts go out to family. Gregory Henderson 20:00 Am in shock,the world lost a good man today. My quietly spoken gentle friend; I cannot believe u're no longer with us Txema Gonzalez.....RIP Scott Sunderland 19:00 Almost get champagne for this night. J.J.Haedo get 3. Great job today from all. Was a lot o wind specially to the end of the race. Fabian Cancellara 18:00 Uhhhh... For the record. I have not signed ANYTHING with anyone yet. When I sign with a team, trust me Tweeps, you will be the FIRST to know! Taylor Phinney 14:00 Gonna be a hilly and hard prologue! @andrewtalansky dropped me on the way home but got himself lost so I still beat him back ;) Taylor Phinney 13:00 Last day in Girona for the year today, had a good ride then stopped off for a sandwich from my favourite bakery, now cleaning and packing. Jesse Sergent 12:00 Last night I was envious of @ryder_hesjedal 's lacking sense of smell while rooming with @dzabriskie Christian Vande Velde 11:00 Today stage for sprinters!I hope it's not to lot wind!from 2morrow is right Vuelta,2 st all up and down,can be really hard!weather is ok! Stefan Denifl 11:00 Ah Florence. I love this city. I remember doing a lot of damage to my liver here when I was in college with some buddies Joao Correia 10:00 After a period of orientation, conversating and good thinking I have made up my mind and agreed to stay at Skil-Shimano for another year! Kenny van Hummel 09:00 Just learned how to do the "windsor" knot for the tie! Thanks to youtube! Tomorrow there's the wedding of one of my best friend. Manuel Quinziato Donnerstag, 2. September 23:00 get a single room tonight... try now to sleep without air-con, hope so to recovery my throat a bit!!! Stefan Denifl 20:00 Just spent over an hour in the bath. What a treeeaat that was!! Sam Bewley 19:00 back in the hotel after 150km stage! short but fast in the end!congrats to Thor! we get awesome Hotels here! I LOVE LA VUELTA Andy Schleck 18:00 just wanted to say, THOR you are a machine!!!! great win! I helped the guys to find a good spot before the last climb, then gruppetto-time! Stefan Denifl 18:00 mist a corner in the decent and didn't make it back in the bunch!shit happens.. At least I know that my legs feel good! Michel Kreder 14:00 Can you imagine how ferocious this hurricane would be if it were named Hurricane Chuck Norris?! Gives me goosebumps thinking about it. Ted King 12:00 Longest sleep ever i have done in a stage race, 10.30 wake up, is not rest day today. Start is @14:00 and 150km... Nice short day... Fabian Cancellara 09:00 Tricky descent to finish today. Reckon a 50 man bunch sprint! Louis leon sanchez home town! Bet he will be x tra motivates to try a crazy deacent to finish! Nicholas Roche 09:00 Nice Day for a Long Ride again !! weather motivates me at the end of the season. Blue Sky and almost no Wind. Andreas Klöden Mittwoch, 1. September 22:00 Dinner at La Petite Maison tonight with @porteye and Will Clarke. Guess who rocks up in the Rolls... Elton John. Mark Renshaw 21:00 Very proud to announce that Andy and myself are riding trekbikes next year,after a long day here in the vuelta.happy to be a part of trekfam Fränk Schleck 20:00 first stage i felt comfortably, maybe because it was the first flat one ;) Stefan Denifl 19:00 Ok so spent my day at eurobike..now I wanna go home.. I've walked enough for a year!!! Robert Hunter 17:00 Back in the Grand Tour routine. May and July are done, now sept and the Veulta. Train in morning, watch cycling in the avo. Days go quick! Sam Bewley 17:00 Just for the record I was always going to move to Girona this October. Well before Garmin-Cervelo deal went down. Guess it was meant to be! Brad Lancaster 16:00 In the next 2 years I'll ride for BMC Racing Team. Really happy about that and looking forward to start this new adventure. Manuel Quinziato 16:00 Oh...rumor factory...got it. Add this one: I am leaving pro road cycling for the grueling world of Hip Hop Cycle Ball. Heard it hear first. Taylor Phinney 14:00 off to the start of the race in Geraardsbergen. nice weather & a big field of 200+ riders. will be a tough afternoon out Robbie McEwen 12:00 And we have a flat... http://yfrog.com/epcgufj Jakob Fulgsang 10:00 Hey folks, when I say 12 degrees I mean Celsius... Otherwise it would mean I live in Alaska... Manuel Quinziato 10:00 12 degrees in the morning... I guess autumn came already! At least sun is shining! Getting ready for an other fresh 4h training. Manuel Quinziato Dienstag, 31. August 20:00 Today we lost a great champion, Fignon, after a hard struggle. It was a privilege to share some time with him in Paris. Rest in peace. Alberto Contador 20:00 Today the legs was good,but I don't take risk in downhill!Nibali was strong.Congrats to Anton! Roman Kreuziger 20:00 Survived another day!helped the team out and after that I stayed in the grupetto!almost in the hotel and having a massage!! Michel Kreder 17:00 I was very sorry to hear of Fignon's death today. He was one of the men who inspired me to try to become a cyclist. He had a unique class. Charles Wegelius 17:00 Another 145k today...Riding with the local continantal riders and we did a good work out...also racing at times ;-) Jakob Fulgsang 16:00 Just woke to the news that Laurent Fignon has passed on. He was a dear friend and a legendary cyclist. We will miss you, Laurent. RIP LF!! Lance Armstrong 15:00 at 12 & 15.09. These are my last two races for this season. GB Fourmies and GB Wallonie. until then, I try to train well. :-) Andreas Klöden 13:00 Wow what a difference having my girl around again, there is food in the fridge! #lifeishardwithouther Christian Meier 12:00 If you want to loose some weight it's effective to have some stomach sickness.. Beats all other diets ;) Kjell Carlström 10:00 I'm back, a couple of kilos less of a man than I was, but I'm back all the same. Expecting another tough day again today.. Simon Gerrans 10:00 just had a look on the roadbook, ohh will get a tough one today... try to survive ;) but the good thing, coming days should be easier :) Stefan Denifl 09:00 After a few stressful days as of last night i am under contract again in 2012.....Where? you will have to wait and see. Announcement to come Brad Lancaster Montag, 30. August 23:00 I hear some of us who are sick were eating different things for dinner last night, so that rules out food poisoning... Simon Gerrans 22:00 nice barbecue with my old buddy, "Heppe"! actually no weather to grill today :-( Andreas Klöden 21:00 Very hot hard start 2day,was far behind for the finishclimb made it up to 13th.i m satisfed.the legs are coming and getting better daybyday. Great job from my boys,thx.specially in the beginning left a lot of energy on the road to help me.cu domani all of you. Fränk Schleck 21:00 I just had possibly the worst day on the bike in my life. Simon Gerrans 21:00 Fell off in the neutral today. Rookie mistake I guess. Landed on my feet though. Tejay van Garderen 21:00 14"that s the time I lost today!no excuse officially I m not on top ,guess I got not the shape from TDF.Now I m there to help @schleckfrank Andy Schleck 18:00 Man down! Got really bad food poisoning or something... Was forced to abandon... Big disapointment!!! John Lee Augustyn 18:00 Just got my brand new kindle from amazon.com... Its absolutely Brilliant! Now just need to buy some books... Robert Hunter 13:00 Long day yesterday, had a late night flight out of Paris and didnt get into Girona until 2am. Long sleep in and now some coffee! Jesse Sergent 12:00 many questions today, who will control the race, who will take the leader jersey and for me the most important feel I better than yesterday? Stefan Denifl 12:00 I'm back home & ready to start my training! There are exactly 20 degrees less than yesterday in Spain! Hope it will be dry a least... Manuel Quinziato 11:00 just off the phone to Bobby Julich re. Worlds TT... Awesome guy to work with! Richie Porte 09:00 Wach the temperature http://yfrog.com/n5cypoj in the morning !! We have end 30.08.210 , nice summer :-( Andreas Klöden Sonntag, 29. August 23:00 And by gold...I guess I mean red. =) Taylor Phinney 20:00 People of Canada! You have a chance to bring me gifts, cakes, and other signs of admiration, as I will soon be racing in Montreal. Charles Wegelius 20:00 riding home from friends my son grabbed too much front brake, over the bars & on his head. result=black eye & some bruises. he's ok. #helmet lucky he only weighs 26kg so the impact was scary but not too heavy. getting some good TLC from mum now (dad too but mums is best!) Robbie McEwen 19:00 I feel like jim carry felt inside the rhino in Ace Ventura 2. Tejay van Garderen 19:00 Feels like a million witches were burning me with fire today... David Zabriskie 17:00 What's happened to the Gold jersey at the veulta?! Sam Bewley 16:00 First grand tour ever for @tvangarderen88 and he helps win the TTT. Nice bruh... Could we see him don Gold in a couple days time?? Hope so! Taylor Phinney 12:00 It's always zesty to start one's day before 5am... Good morning New Hampshire! (And a fine morning to you too, Jet-Lag.) Ted King 12:00 In Seville airport! Time to go home! The prolog of the Vuelta was really nice... As spectator! Manuel Quinziato 11:00 won the shimano suzuka road race in the sprint.. but that was the hardest race of my life i think... absolute cooked now from the heat. skil shimano and shimano racing team did a great job to bring the win "home"! big thanx also to the staff of team shimano!!! Robert Wagner 11:00 4h on the schedule and it rains...i hate those days Simon Geschke Samstag, 28. August 01:00 Holly Shit, that was fast Tejay van Garderen 01:00 Shit happens. I was really bad. try to sleep and forget this. Next day tomorrow and hopefully 3 good weeks coming up. Laurens ten Dam 01:00 Ouch. Kinda fun, kinda terrifying. Lost Julian on the warm up to a "dark sidewalk". Bad crash and put some fear in the team. Conrats to HTC Christian Vande Velde 24:00 Prologue is done,good job from all team-mates but the Etc was more strong,it can be!now I hope,will sleep long!I hope me beer help me to go in the bed;)isn't easy after short but full gas prologue!good night to all from Seville! Roman Kreuziger 24:00 Vuelta what is that ????? We have almost 12am !!! Andreas Klöden 23:00 incredulous day! a victory makes me peace! are satisfied and happy thank you all .. family friends and team! ROOOOOOCK Daniel Oss 21:00 Just seen South African Airway is an official sponsor to the New haven tennis tounament in the USA..wtf...get behind more SA sport first!!! Or even the development of the next SA sports stars..well thats my opinion..what a waste of money!! Who makes these decissions!!!!!! Robert Hunter 19:00 Missed my flight to Girona after doping control, nothing like a nice solo dinner and hotel night..bummed to be missing dinner with @ptmeyer Christian Meier 18:00 What's this?? They think I'm french now?! http://tweetphoto.com/41925613 Michel Kreder 15:00 I think tonight we need some coffees. start time of the Team TT=usually sleeping time. but anyway, dont miss it on TV, will get spectacular! Stefan Denifl 14:00 http://twitpic.com/2iy8fy - My number for this Vuelta is 125! Roman Kreuziger 12:00 It is even hoter than the other days.The boys try to be protect from the sun in the shadow. Training comes http://yfrog.com/bfhorcj Fabian Cancellara 12:00 Yumm-O... Airport food-court salad! In Paris, en route to the USofA where I can eat a worthy burrito to make up for this sub-par fare. Ted King 11:00 heading out for a ride. daughter Claudia being christened this arvo, out for dinner w/ family tnite Robbie McEwen 08:00 After the "Eighties" and "Nineties" what do you call years between 2000 and 2009? The "zeros" maybe? Learnt something new, its "the noughties". Sounds much more exciting than it really was! Charles Wegelius Freitag, 27. August 04:00 europe is sleeping and we are preparing for todays TTT on the suzuka formula1 cirquit! Robert Wagner 04:00 Cut a t-mobile sim card with a nail cutter to fit it in iPhone 4. Works like a charm. Janez Brajkovic 22:00 Tough final stage today, 200km in the rain and wind, was alot of tactics going on during the race, the virtual race lead changed 4times! Jesse Sergent 21:00 Whoa, that was a mistake. My neck hurts now. @Joaoisme recommended I stick my head out the window on the TGV at 300kph. Lesson learned. Ted King 20:00 I'm in Seville, tomorrow I'll watch the TTT by night than back home! Gonna be a great show! Manuel Quinziato 19:00 Its hot here at the Vuelta! 117 degrees Fahrenheit today! Team presentation tonight and we kick it off with a Team Time Trial tomorrow. Tom Danielson 18:00 I was really hoping Markel would win overall too. Amazing team mate, does 200% for the team. Janez Brajkovic 16:00 Arrived back home, hard to leave the team this morning :( just got my ticket to the worlds, hell yeer! Now i have some work to do... :) Michael Morkov 15:00 absolute SHIT to read that cervelo test team will stop end of the year... Robert Wagner 15:00 Getting a hair trim here in spain with the guys. Hair is too hot when its over 40degrees Tejay van Garderen 14:00 http://twitpic.com/2im1fl - W/t team-mates after train in swimming pool!It's the hot here in Seville!train was 4hr 135km! Roman Kreuziger 13:00 We have almost done the training and dominic klemme jumps in a fontaine... It was hot again today 40 degres http://yfrog.com/nekmucj Fabian Cancellara 10:00 Fear not loyal readers; I may not have the blue seal of twitter authenticity, but iAMtedking! Ted King 10:00 I gotta say life was good, life was really good at Cérvelo. Sad day for all of us at Cérvelo and all you loyal fans. What a ridé it's been! Brad Lancaster Donnerstag, 26. August 23:00 I spent 2 days home! So it's time to leave! I can't tell you now where I go but I will in a couple of days... stay tuned! Press "random" on your Ipod and, if it's at least 30GB, you'll find a wonderfull forgotten world of great music! Believe me! Manuel Quinziato 23:00 arrived good @ osaka.visited already the shimano company. in some hours of to suzuka. BIG jetlag now! Robert Wagner 20:00 24hrs w/out your own laptop & blackberry can be inconvenient. chargers for both in luggage lost (briefly) by alitalia. back on track now Robbie McEwen 19:00 just been confirmed , i will be riding the commy games in deli ... lovely way to end the season Russel Downing 16:00 It would be a real shame if the Cervelo Test Team fold. There's some great people in that team that would be left searching for jobs. Simon Gerrans 15:00 http://twitpic.com/2ibc2x - After train in Seville w/t Vincenzo Nibali in swimming pool!it's to hot here in spain! Roman Kreuziger 12:00 hi to my Japanese fans! see u in October for Japan Cup - yes I'm coming to Japan! Robbie McEwen 09:00 Got in. the LA VUELTA. Everybody now that its warm in spain but this tops everything 40-42degrees we are going to melt............... Fränk Schleck 09:00 Ewan 'the Gap' McEwen lost his 1st tooth & was stoked this morn when he found the tooth fairy swapped old fang under pillow for 2euro! Robbie McEwen Mittwoch, 25. August 11:00 Just landet i sevilla.... Look the time 00:50 night and is still so hot outside. Look the picture http://yfrog.com/1sgo7dj Fabian Cancellara 01:00 Tomorrow is my birthday, I enjoyed being 32 so I have decides to be 32 again. Chris Boardman 22:00 Viva espana... Just landet in madrid.Will meet now @andy_schleck @schleckfrank and stuart o'Grady for flying to sevilla were vuelta start is Fabian Cancellara 22:00 id 3hrs team time trial training today and have more planned for tomorrow. Simon Gerrans 20:00 Went on a little spin here in Sevilla. 44degrees! Not sure what that is in F, but its hot! Tejay van Garderen 20:00 Dinner in Spain without air con in the apartment, getting a real sweat on..hotter than melon farmer over here.. Christian Meier 19:00 Tonight I'm gonna go to see the track italian championship in Mori. Have to support @Chicchi80 and @daniel87oss... with a beer in the hand! Manuel Quinziato 16:00 About to leave my family for more than 3weeks,not easy specialy after our dream wedding my wife looked gorgouse!going to miss her a lot!bigX Fränk Schleck 13:00 My morning was chaos total. a lot of negativ things had to do. Now i feel good what i dit in training. It was a small thing bad good thing. I am on the bike. Just helpt out a invalid women that was falling on the ground to stand up. My day will end positiv. Fabian Cancellara 08:00 suitcase unpacked, washed clothes, did some shopping, interviews, packed suitcase, and off to Sevilla! Laurens ten Dam Dienstag, 24. August 22:00 I arrived in Seville at lunch time today and it's hot as hell! Simon Gerrans 16:00 How many pairs of undies do you pack for a 3 week race? Tejay van Garderen 15:00 Home after 5hr bike ride w/t Belloti and 2long climbs!it was last long train b4 Vuelta! Roman Kreuziger 13:00 Was waching the TT course! Is a hard TT Race , no time to Relax. No dangerous corners. I hope the legs are fine for my last TT this Year. Andreas Klöden 11:00 like i said, i don't think there are 9 aussies better suited to geelong course than myself. proving to be a bitter pill this one Robbie McEwen 11:00 Okay...holiday is over (was nice) start training again today (gonna be nice)!! next races will be in Canada the 10th and 12th of sep.... Jakob Fulgsang 11:00 one of the best things in life, wake up early but to know you dont have to get up and can sleep another 3 or 4 hours! I like :) Stefan Denifl 10:00 A very interesting selection for the Worlds Road Race? A couple of names that I really didn't expect in there..... Leigh Howard 10:00 I didn't make the selection for Wolrds RR. Very disappionted to not race on home turf and a little surprised at their selection. Looking forward to racing and trying to win Comm Games RR. Next yrs objective to be the sprinter in Denmark. Promising more results in 2011 Mark Renshaw Montag, 23. August 21:00 finally got around to posting a pic of my tattoo. http://is.gd/ezgkK Leigh Howard 19:00 Hard day! Full gas start with rain, strong wind and bad roads! Love that shit! Manuel Quinziato 19:00 @mcewenrobbie I was wondering where you were. Saw u just before last climb and then u were gone. Bad luck mate... Koen de Kort 18:00 Punctured out of lead grp right b4 last climb. No spares cars bcoz bunch had exploded in huy so never got back on. Lost points jersey. #luck Robbie McEwen 14:00 now its official, I am in the Vuelta Team!! Looking forward to my first Grand Tour... first goal to see Madrid, the rest will come ;) Stefan Denifl 14:00 Taking the Armstrong kids to school for their first day of school. Hard to believe summer is already over for them. It's only Aug 23! Lance Armstrong 12:00 Sitting in another airport terminal on the way home..some how every terminal around the world is basically the same boring place. Robert Hunter 10:00 Raining this am in Belgium! ...or maybe I'm in Holland! Other 205 hilly km on the programs! Manuel Quinziato 09:00 Almost home after 3 weeks of traveling/racing. Heading for Vuelta/Sevilla wednessday. Homework is done! Laurens ten Dam Sonntag, 22. August 01:00 Thanks to everybody we had a great party for our wedding good friends,thx to my wife Martine 4 organising that special day.she gets all. Check out the some pics on frankschleckofficial.com Fränk Schleck 22:00 All you can eat sushi for 12euro, think I ate 12euro of soya sauce. Sam Bewley 21:00 @Greghenderson1 Hahahaaaha. Classic. I should consult the chef and somehow add that to my expanding culinary repertoire - talent cupcakes. Ted King 20:00 @iamtedking talent waffles? Talent cupcakes? Maybe even talent ummm...I dunno. Talent cheese. He ate the whole wheel. Gregory Henderson 19:00 I'm looking forward to going on holiday in mexico Cancun with my sister and group of friend...it'll be such a fun!but next month Vuelta! Roman Kreuziger 19:00 @Greghenderson1 He "sh*@s talent"?! I'm not even mad - that's amazing. But good Lord, what on earth must that boy EAT? Ted King 18:00 Today we tried to split the peloton and make life difficult. Again we rode well as a team. Harder finish circuit would have done some damage. Congrats 2the young whipper snapper Jack Bobridge.Great ride. This kid sh#ts talent.Fair to say there will be more w's from him over the yrs Gregory Henderson 18:00 Worked for tyler today and it payed of! He got second in the sprint!I'm feeling good and I'm ready for the vuelta! Michel Kreder 17:00 Gp plouay Got caught behind a crash with 4km or would have made front group sprinting 4 win . Gutted after doing everything right for 260km Russel Downing 17:00 again a very fast Stage Today.with same Rain.The last 5k was very fast & crazy roads,the legs were good 2day. 2morrow the last hard Stage. Andreas Klöden 17:00 Jacky Bobby wins in Eneco! Belated congrats to Svein and @Greghenderson1 for their respective wins too. Ok, @allandavis27 too. Christian Vande Velde 14:00 Solid 160km behind the motorbike today! Form is coming back! Michael Rogers 03:00 Wow that was painful! Got in the break and managed to acquire 8 sprint points and am now just 1 point back... Got a jersey to steal tmrw! =) Taylor Phinney Samstag, 21. August 23:00 @Greghenderson1 sorry hendy, of course i meant over 33's. hey, how did this shoe get in my mouth Robbie McEwen 23:00 sorry to see @mcewenrobbie not doing worlds... champion bloke, inspiring the next generation of Aussie cyclists! Richie Porte 20:00 I won't be at Worlds in Geelong. Not selected. Don't know who the 9 are but know i'm not. Yes i'm disappointed. Thought i'd be good there. To the guys from the press.I'll hold a press conference tmoro to answer your questions. Thanks Robbie McEwen 19:00 @mcewenrobbie over 35's??? Haha That's a bit premature mate. But thanks anyway. Team was amazing. Gregory Henderson 18:00 Not sure our driver drives in traffic much..hhmm..wear out the turbo and brakes all on the same drive..maybe send him 2 Vancouver 4 training Christian Meier 18:00 I'm actually sleeping on the Holland/Germany boarder. How cool is that? Steven Cozza 17:00 Congrats to @greghenderson1 finishing off textbook leadout w/ win. Onya mate! Another victory for the over 35's! Got boxed in last km - 5th Robbie McEwen 14:00 Just done a circuit of gp plouay .last time I was here was for u23 worlds and 2 days b4 I got lost and did 5.30 hrs training .oops Russell Downing 14:00 Back from a nice spin in the sun,still lost about 3kg's in sweat and drunk 3litres of water for 2hrs......not complaining about the sun tho! Jesse Sergent 13:00 57,000... That's the number of times Frenchy McFrench next to me on the plane coughed in a 1.5hr flight. I'm no germophobe, but uughhh. Ted King 11:00 6hr travel yesterday after race to Plouay! Today looong sleep :) later heading out for easy riding, tomorrow GP Plouay... Stefan Denifl 07:00 Heading home to a big 'pranzo Italiano'. Hanover is nice; good circuit & great ambiance. I'll be back.... Cadel Evans Freitag, 20. August 24:00 I've got a Beglian Beer to help me to forget the pain of today! Tomorrow is an other day! The day of @Chicchi80 our orange bullet! Manuel Quinziato 21:00 @allandavis27 i saluted for 3rd once, exact same situation. keep the photo & in 10 yrs everyone will think u just won ;-) good ride tho mate Robbie McEwen 19:00 what a difference running on Belgium in the spring and now..much more difficult now on the walls and pavers!The TdF left me other qualities! Daniel Oss 19:00 Yes I thought I won but there was 2 riders up the road! After 9 years Pro it was my first time #takingitonthechin practiced my salute but :) Allan Davis 18:00 Ok im officially messed!Hard day in Eneco.if anybody sees my condition lying on the road in france let me know.seem to have left it there!! Robert Hunter 18:00 Today everybody take out his wappons and then we played war! very hard day, did my work in the final, Davide wins :) great job, cool guy :) Stefan Denifl 17:00 Another airport visit. Off to Hanover for a criterium. I need the leg speed! Cadel Evans 15:00 Done 3hrs 125km behind scooter w/ daddy who drove the scooter,now need to help my wife for our big day 2morrow.(wedding)its going to be nice Fränk Schleck 11:00 Yesterday Stage 2 was ok,bunch Sprint,congrats to AndreGreipel. Today is a very hard Day.Up and down all Day.Little Classik Race in Flandern Andreas Klöden 08:00 Big day for us today. Going to see U2 in Helsinki. Terribly exciting! But first training... Charles Wegelius Donnerstag, 19. August 21:00 going to do my first race on the cobbles of the "Tour of Flanders" tomorrow. oh yeah... Simon Geschke 20:00 According to @stevendejongh all the climbs are uphill tomorrow. Beautiful. Good to know. Gregory Henderson 19:00 stage3 done! did the base for oscars attack in the final and helped davide to make it over the last climb. after all, i take it easy :) Stefan Denifl 19:00 Delivered Eddy close to the line but the big Gorilla benchpressed his way past. Congrats Greipel. @mcewenrobbie showed his class again. Gregory Henderson 17:00 So......3 hour drive to my next race and I forgot my book. I'm a bit bored, so if anyone has a ?'s shoot them my way. Tejay van Garderen 16:00 Today only small round w/t my sister and mom!1hr15' 29km.now we are in swimming pool!finally summer day! Roman Kreuziger 13:00 (Nachdem Charles Wegelius einige Nachrichten bekommen hat) You can all go back to work now, mrs w is here! So much fascinating stuff! Thanks chaps Charles Wegelius 13:00 Currently sitting roadside waiting for wife to pick me up after mechanical mishap. ... and rather glad it isn't pissing rain, I might add.... So, tell me something interesting!! Time on my hands! I busted a spoke in my front wheel for those wondering. So strong. And yes, I can fix punctures all on my own! Charles Wegelius 11:00 thanks to all you tweeps for the msgs. feels great to have so much support (in good & bad times) Robbie McEwen Mittwoch, 18. August 23:00 Im that good on Guitar hero i think i could beat the guy on "couples retreat!" Jesse Sergent 22:00 Rooming with Sivstov. Hearing stories of the Russian training school. Interesting guy....super cool. Tejay van Garderen 22:00 Just bought guitar hero. Been boo'd off stage a few times already. Jesse reckons he's naturally good cause he 'played guitar'... Whatever! Sam Bewley 21:00 second stage in Eneco, had a crash but Jensi helped me back. Congrats to Sebastien Haedo for a close 2nd to @mcewenrobbie.. Richie Porte 19:00 Waiting 4@andy_schleck to go out fishing he is running late like always ;) cross the fingers that we get a big catch Fränk Schleck 19:00 Is great that in Benelux they have movies on tv in original language with subtitles in flamish! Doing the same in Italy would make some kid learn english so fast!! It's a pity! Spaghetti, pizza mandolino! Manuel Quinziato 19:00 Feels good to b back in the winners circle! ProTour win, stg 1 of Eneco tour, uphill sprint. Form on the up.enough 4 worlds selection now? Robbie McEwen 18:00 Congrats @mcewenrobbie today on his fantastic win, well deserved! Helped Tony Martin stay out of trouble, but payed the price myself. Leigh Howard 18:00 1st stage of Eneco Tour done! Stressing like always but it's ok when nobody get hurted! Felt quite better than yesterday! Manuel Quinziato 18:00 In the car to the hotel. Hard time trial. Something wrong with my time. Almost caught guy in front of me, but in the result i'm more slow... Laurens ten Dam 17:00 6+hours done,thanks to #Carlos of the team,he did with me the ride on his motorbike!How many people would do that for 6hours!? #Thanks!!! Michel Kreder 17:00 Paid heavy price for my efforts yesterday. Bummer theres no grupetto in 1day races, fought traffic and italian fans w/@tvangarderen88. Peter Stetina 15:00 TT done, now on the way back to hotel! Found a nice rhythm that dont hurts to much... By the way, 44km was a long one for a 4 stage race :S Stefan Denifl 14:00 A good indication that today was a hard training ride: I've been home for nearly a half-hour and just now took my helmet off. #I'MBEAT! Ted King 11:00 First stage in Eneco Tour coming up. Didn't get anywhere close to winning best Girona rider yesterday, Svein won that comfortably as well... Koen de Kort Dienstag, 17. August 20:00 My teammate Vanotti had broke collarbone,that's bad!he can't come to Vuelta Espana!I hope for him then he come early to bike! Roman Kreuziger 20:00 how I should explain my Italian roommate Davide that he has to sleep upstairs?! ;) http://twitpic.com/2fnjmj Stefan Denifl 19:00 If the Wifi at your hotel is total rubbish please don't advertise it as one of your big features, very annoying.. Christian Meier 18:00 tre valli varesine. Felt good during the race and was part of the front race in last 30 k. Attacked with 5 k to go and caught at-2. messed up the final due to tactical games. Congrats to Martin, he choose the right moment and found his lucky move. Form is coming along. Marco Pinotti 17:00 Prologue done, not one of my specialities. I took no risks today, went around the corners like an old woman. So 6:54 is not a big surprise Simon Geschke 17:00 Two wins, one day... Garmin-Transitions may not win the most races, but we're the king of the double header! Jonathan Vaughters 16:00 At my 60th something race day this year, my first as a spectator (Tre Valli Varesine). It's fun....DAI SANTA!!! Cadel Evans 15:00 Rode past a sunflower field today out riding, reminded me of the Tour De France.....although they go past about twice the speed i was doing! Jesse Sergent 14:00 Here come chuck cause I'm racing again ha ha. If chuck norris were a star trek character he would be the ship!!! When ghost go camping the sit around the camp fire and tell stories of chuck norris! Robert Hunter 10:00 just about to go out training with simon clarke, then walk down to see cousin dan martin at finish of tre valle varesina in the avo, Nicolas Roche Montag, 16. August 23:00 Finally enjoying a vacation.There will be not to many days,but I'll enjoy it to the maximum:-)Greetings to everyone. Alberto Contador 22:00 Gotta love after dinner doping control!! Robert Hunter 22:00 Up in Holland for Eneco Tour starting tomorrow. Had a easy week since Denmark and feeling good. Bring on some sprints ! Rooming with Frantisek Rabon , He is from Czech Republic and i just want to say i have no idea what he is saying in Czech... Sounds cool but Mark Renshaw 16:00 ran out of legs yday after 200km @ foot of last climb. form will come w/ a couple more races and feel on schedule for a gd Sept/Oct. my SIM card has died so no mobile phone till i get to belgium in 3 days. inconvienient w/out a mobile isn't it. like the old days... Robbie McEwen 11:00 Loved that race. Hamburg. So much fun.Awesome finishing circuit.We rode well as a team to set Eddy up for the win. Very close.Congrats Tyler Gregory Henderson 10:00 Begagge closed, time to leave to Amsterdam. Tomorrow prolog of the The Eneco Tour of Benelux. Looking fwd to see my mates! Manuel Quinziato 08:00 How dare I fly with a suitcase weighing 16 kg ....ryanair jokes .. No wonder they are cheap..Will I have to pay for a seat on this plane Russel Downing Sonntag, 15. August 22:00 watched the hamburg cyclassics on tv! andre greipel safed with his 3.pl 9 german startplaces for the worlds in melbourne!! Robert Wagner 19:00 so, just finish the massagge after the race in Hamburg, was good and we worked as well as possible. no glory but happy anyway! Jacopo Guarnieri 18:00 Just finished hamburg race...get true the race without crash. Just the last 15km we get wet of the rain... Had brand new shoes on... "ouch" Fabian Cancellara 18:00 Hard race in Hamburg today, we tried with Gert but didn't work out plus the rain didn't help. Now flying back to Barcelona... Then G town Daryl Impey 17:00 Fell asleep with about 13km to go watching Vattenfal Cyclassic on eurosport, judging by the emails Tyler won, bummed I missed that one Christian Meier 16:00 Thanks all the answers!! Just watched the race! Twitter is better than google for this kind of things! Manuel Quinziato 16:00 Training done for the day. Now watching Hamburg on the TV. Go Team SKY! Simon Gerrans 16:00 Help! Someone can give me the link to watch on streaming the Hamburg Classic? Thanks a lot! Manuel Quinziato 15:00 Relaxing on the couch watching Vattenfall Classic on Eurosport, looks like theres heaps of people out watching, my pick is Greipel. Jesse Sergent 15:00 Today was better weather 26* and sunny!good train w/t my team mates Belloti & Finetto, 4hr50'!and now I go watch TV and look Hamburg race! Roman Kreuziger 12:00 Today a farewell to arms for Servais, let's support him in Etten-leur!! Piet Rooijakkers 10:00 Weather in Hamburg looks alright so far, hopefully it'll hold up. I love this race regardless of the weather though! Koen de Kort Samstag, 14. August 18:00 In Hamburg 4 tmoro's race.rode the Waserberg circuit of the finale, it's still v steep! See how well I can hang on tmoro Robbie McEwen 18:00 4th and best young rider at tour de l'ain. Cocked up the finish a bit, but all part of the learning process. form is good for la vuelta Tejay van Garderen 16:00 Where has summer gone? I got rained on for the second day in a row while training, that hasn't happened in months Simon Gerrans 14:00 In afternoon I have one important work to do,but I'm disappointed because I can't meet me w/t my school friends today evening in Plzen;-( Roman Kreuziger 12:00 Touchdown in Bremen airport, tomorrow the pro-tour race in Hamburg. Really looking forward to it! Koen de Kort 12:00 Next year,We Andy and myself will be part of an amazing project based in our home country.it will be The NEW BIG TEAM in professionalcycling. More news to follow in the coming month.thanks Fränk Schleck 11:00 the last german pro tour race tomorrow in Hamburg. horrible weather here at the moment. after 1 day rest till ENECO tour starts tuesday Simon Geschke 11:00 My airplane is so small! Seems that we'll use parachutes to land! Jacopo Guarnieri 08:00 Just landed in hambourg for the first race back hew classics guess what?its gonna rain Fränk Schleck Freitag, 13. August 01:00 Alot of people in Herning tonight. Fantastic legs = Victory. Positive to meet Alberto and Jesus, my new team mates, great guys! Michael Morkov 19:00 hard day in Tour de l'Ain, just caught at 250mts to the finish for what it looks it was the first place, since Morabito has been relegated! Marco Pinotti 19:00 Hope everyone made it through their friday the 13th without a hitch. Allan Davis 19:00 Hope everyone made it through their friday the 13th without a hitch. Tejay van Garderen 18:00 @mickrogers know what you mean. 4hrs y/day felt like a classic, but no good being in form now, long time till Geelong mate. Robbie McEwen 18:00 First really serious training ride in while. Managed 4.5h! Felt like 8.5h! #ouch Michael Rogers 16:00 Nice ride this morning 2.5hrs with few openers. Now chilling at the local cafe having a brew. Off to Hamburg tomorrow for Vattenfall. Sam Bewley 14:00 Get well soon to my friend Jan (Ulle) take the time to be healthy again. Your friends always stand behind you. Andreas Klöden 13:00 ....amazing Inigo Cuesta! This year his 17th vuelta, also he did 7th times the tour and 3times the giro, will be total of 27!! grand tours!! Stefan Denifl 11:00 OMG its Friday the 13th. Today I will be riding rolled up in bubble tape Steven Cozza Donnerstag, 12. August 21:00 trained a few hrs & did some hills to prepare the legs for the shock of a ProTour race (Hamburg) Sunday. Showers forecast. dodgy Robbie McEwen 21:00 Another day between airports.Today I'm going to Denmark.I look forward,it will be my first time there.Tomorrow,a criterium race. Alberto Contador 18:00 Without @Meierwife here in Spain I have been in the kitchen again, hope I don't poison the boys... Christian Meier 18:00 is working on his future... excited whats coming up. Thomas Frei 16:00 Today first hard train after TDF.4hr15 w/t 4climbs in company from my teammate Belloti. This morning was really bad weather,but after was ok Roman Kreuziger 11:00 New rule 4 me after moving houses: "anything you didn't need one single time in the last 2 years, you don't need at all." #toomuchstuff Johan Bruyneel 09:00 Thanks for the B-day wishes. Senior discount is right around the corner. Tejay van Garderen Mittwoch, 11. August 18:00 Hey @UnitedAirlines - my gf's bike has been sitting at the Madrid airport for 6 weeks, waiting to be "found". We'd like it back now... Christopher Horner 17:00 Wow it feels good to get a full night of sleep again!! Knee doing better by the day...back home for a bit. Life is good! Taylor Phinney 16:00 Did a 5 hr ride in the nice Basque hills today. Together with guide Juanma Garate. Nice! Laurens ten Dam 09:00 Get dressed for a 3h ride w/ series! Just stopped raining, I don't believe it last... Whatever! Manuel Quinziato und als Extra: Andreas Klöden vs. BDR: oh, what I just read,Germany is only number 12 in the national rankings and should probably start with only five riders, instead of nine :-) For the German Rider, it would be better if you had even a few Pro Tour points, instead of arguing on the internet, who runs the World Cup. the German Cycling Federation is an amateur! No nomination criteria, no professional guidance. No one has the idea of professional cycling. Only when the gentlemen retire. it will be better. It's funny that always scream the loudest Rider, they want the World Cup or Olympics, which have almost no Points .makes you start thinking. People like, Rudolf Scharping, Udo Sprenger or Burkard Bremer! Marcel Wust was one with intelligence and competence! the best German classics rider now ride for Australia, he had a lot of Pro Tour points last year. And he is the future. why He went ???????? I was never angry with Germany. But to the German cycling federation with their incompetent people. Germany has wonderful fans. I love Australia and what Heinrich has done, was the only right way. He is to work with professionals and not amateurs. Dienstag, 10. August 01:00 Gutted !!What does @russdowning have to do to ride in a Grand Tour? 1st Tour of Ireland and Tour de Wallonie winner. Come on @teamsky! Russel Downing 24:00 @taylorphinney It was intended as a complement. I love those cows. Alex Howes 22:00 8th today in the l'Ain prologue. Hats off to Zubeldia. I heard this was his first victory in 10 years #agelikewine Tejay van Garderen 21:00 Sitting next to @jessesergent Sam Bewley 21:00 Sitting next to @sambewley Jesse Sergent 20:00 Quote of the day from @Alex_Howes to me. 'Dude, you're like one of those Swiss cows... You know, huge, but.....lean. Like, (flexes) grrr.' I took that as a compliment. Taylor Phinney 16:00 packing to head off to crit in Naaldwijk, NL. looks a bit rainy...start 20:15 for points race, time trial & elimination (or "miss&out") or some call it "devil takes the hindmost" - i think the coolest & scariest name to give it. want to find out what the devil does with riders Robbie McEwen 11:00 Back on the bike and back on twitter! had a good rest,just what I need after the Tour, next race tonight 7:30 GP Oslo then'' La Vuelta'' Andy Schleck 10:00 Radomir Simunek. RIP. One of my cyclecross heros from the past. Steven de Jongh Montag, 9. August 24:00 home from derny crit in Wilrijk. 3rd tnite. Ch.Moreau won. had a really nice meal in local resto after race. baby daughter asleep on me now Robbie McEwen 21:00 AC/DC on air! Will they ever lose their power!? I really don't think so! Thunder... Aaaaa-aaaa-a!! Manuel Quinziato 20:00 Doing a crit in Charlottenlund 2night. The start is at 19. Have been drinking coffee all day so hope I'll be ready! Tejay van Garderen 18:00 Doing a crit in Charlottenlund 2night. The start is at 19. Have been drinking coffee all day so hope I'll be ready! Jakob Fulgsang 13:00 On my way to Tour de l'Ain. Excited that Rabo Conti are taking the start. It'll be good to see some ol' mates. Tejay van Garderen 12:00 Spending the day sitting in a hotel smashing the Vitamin C trying to get better and getting ready for the 3km Prolouge tomorrow! Leigh Howard 12:00 Arrived back from Tour of Denmark at 1am this morning and sleep like a baby as soon as my head hit the pillow! Legs are stiff this morning. Sesse Sergent Sonntag, 8. August 24:00 5th place in final stage of Tour of Demark. really happy! 2 kiwis in top 5 with Roulston winning. NZ is moving up to the big time in cycling Clinton Avery 23:00 back in calamine after a hard tour of poland. comming days are recovery and than venendaal & hamburg next races! Robert Wagner 21:00 had a gd day today, rode a bit, worked on my book and spent time w/ the kids. tmoro crit in Wilrijk, Belgium behind dernys Robbie McEwen 18:00 10th in gc of burgos now. Pretty satisfied. Altough i'll need some extra power in the Vuelta. But not bad for 1st race after injury. Laurens ten Dam 13:00 Back in Espana. Had a great time in Poland. Thanks to all the fans that came out to cheer us on rain or shine this week! Leigh Howard 12:00 Back in Espana. Had a great time in Poland. Thanks to all the fans that came out to cheer us on rain or shine this week! Tom Danielson 10:00 Last stage in Denmark today, finish on the 2011 world champs circuit. Koen de Kort 10:00 woah waiting next flight at Munich airport. my next race is Tour de l'ain(France) . I live there so my home race! start Tuesday!!! Fumiyuki Beppu 10:00 Also had a good 2nd half yesterday...3rd on the TT and in Yellow now..sweet! :-) Now it time to leave for last stage!! Jakob Fulgsang Samstag, 7. August 23:00 I've watched more chick flicks in the last 3 days then most straight men watch in a lifetime. I fear my blood values will show inconsistencies due to massive blood loss from mosquitoes Tejay van Garderen 21:00 As is tradition at team Garmin-Transitions, we won 2 races in one day.... Congrats to Svein Tuft at killing 'em in Dk. Jonathan Vaughters 21:00 Finish! Today very dangerous circuit with the rain, and with the rain i'm like a s*#"! And i've decided that i'll do a music album: electro-clash-synth pop could be ok. Someone that wanna teach me how to?! Jacopo Guarnieri 20:00 Tour of Poland... OVER! And not a moment too soon. My undercarriage couldn't stand a single more bump on Poland's horrifically bumpy roads. Ted King 18:00 Just saw Murilo Fischer's Brazilian nat champ kit.. Gotta talk to the designers. I asked them to make it more 'Carnival'.. Sequins/thong.. Jonathan Vaughters 14:00 Good luck to cousin dan martin in poland today! Nicholas Roche 14:00 Back on twitter after a small break after TDF. Happy to report i won today in Tour of Denmark. Been a long time between drinks ! Thanks to everyone who stood by me the last month, Great to get a win for all of you! Hope there is more coming! Mark Renshaw 13:00 tour of poland ends today, 163km to go. It was a nice race, but i'm glad to sit on my couch tomorrow afternoon instead of in the saddle Simon Geschke 10:00 Last day Tour of Poland. No good legs here this week... Cracked yesterday 25k before finish. Will be happy when I have good legs again. Ben Hermans 09:00 Sunny morning in Camaiore! Good so! The race will be quite different from TdF. They talk about 76 startes... unbelievable! Manuel Quinziato 07:00 Saw a bear cross the road, only 200 feet in front of me, yesterday while out training. Beat that. Christian Vande Velde Freitag, 6. August 24:00 Amazing concert by U2. Wow!! Micheal Rogers 22:00 today we started the stage from Auschwiz: 1 minute of silence is enough for all what happened? Jacopo Guarnieri 22:00 Absolutely gutted... Made the finish today just barely. Knee ballooned up afterwords. Can't even move it. Team telling me not to race tmrw Taylor Phinney 22:00 found out that the combination of rain, cramps and a 230km mountainstage makes you feel tired Simon Geschke 21:00 Perfect day today...matti & I went away in the end, Matti won the stage, I took 2nd..just like we planed;) the team worked fantastic, thanks Jakob Fulgsang 20:00 Finished the stage in the dark today, a first for me, also a pb on KJs at 5300, a bit of a day today#crazydaysinpoland Christian Meier 17:00 Looks like we got a new f_cancellara like him Bob jungels won the world TT championship today!our future of Lux cycling is secured!congrats Andy Schleck 15:00 @mickrogers lucky you! Enjoy Nicholas Roche 13:00 Headed to see U2 tonight in Turin! Can't wait! Michael Rogers 13:00 Travelling with my teammates from Carnago to Camaiore! Watching all together "up in the air" on bus dvd! Manuel Quinziato 11:00 today we start in Auschwitz Holocaust camp! A moment of silence precedes the start. race with the camera in the pocket?? #TourofPoland Peter Stetina Donnerstag, 5. August 22:00 my legs were not in the climbing mode today. Gone deep but lost almost 2min to the front Simon Geschke 21:00 Suffering this eve...but the Danish podium girls are quite nice looking. #motivation? Taylor Phinney 20:00 Dan Martin WINS!!!!! Christian Meier 19:00 Unfortunately it wasn't our day tho. Proud of my effort, getting a very sore knee bandaged and starting some antibiotics 2 prevent infection Taylor Phinney 18:00 We just didn't have the luck 2day. Matti 2nd, Renshaw and I got caught with 250m to go because he didnt wanted to pull. Happy he didn't win. Jakob Fulgsang 16:00 Very good race of all the team and congrats to @ivanbasso to end the work with a great victory on wet home roads! Manuel Quinziato 11:00 Today a tuff stage. A lot of climbing and uphill finish. I think the winner for today will be Bauke!! Joost Posthuma Mittwoch, 4. August 24:00 Antwerp derny crit was great. good crowd, dry weather and I won. Even better, my son got to ride in a replica of Lightning McQueen from Cars not that far yet. he has to get PT licence 1st and get a lot organised b4 he can offer riders contracts. hope he pulls it off. Robbie McEwen 21:00 Sorry to my team today who work great, lost the jersey with 5km to go of a very tuff day, caught behind a crash witch wrecked everything 8k From the finish witch put me in a bad pos for the last time up the climb witch then split what was left of group! Allan Davis 21:00 missed a big chance today...i'm sick of 4th places, but guess it's on me :) Simon Geschke 19:00 Crazy rain in the finale, lots of crashes, ate it hard with 5km to go... That is sprinting. Got some stitches and ready for tomorrow. Taylor Phinney 18:00 1st stage of Tour of Denmark (Post DK Rundt) done...nasty finish laps wet and w/ oil on the road. 3 saxo down. I stayed on the bike didn't loose time and felt good today! Jakob Fuglsang 13:00 Dear Greg. How would you like your arse handed to you today. Kindest regards. Tour of Poland. Greg Henderson 12:00 These late starts make me feel tired. Hope isn't going to be an habit for the races. Jacopo Guarnieri 11:00 Debut of our 3 stagiaires 2day at ToDenmark: Avery, Phinney & Sergent. Alsoracing r Bewley, Busche, Lequatre, McCartney & Steegmans. Johan Bruyneel Dienstag, 3. August 21:00 Record today top soeed for me 80.4kmh and still didn't win!! Big down hill dash for cash finish! Allan Davis 17:00 trained a couple hrs on my own, now the real stuff starts w/ another mtb bash w/ my son! he's warming up in the yard doing jumps ;-) Robbie McEwen 13:00 Now i am a Saxo Bank-SunGard boy.I believe in 2011and i'm sure that is the best for me.I'm happy with the new team! Alberto Contador 13:00 Did some gardening. Now time for packing my things again for tonight's crit of Surhuisterveen. Koos Moerenhout 11:00 If anyone has seen my legs or my form lying around somewhere please return to me asap in Poland. I'll pay for shipping. Gregory Henderson 11:00 half of the stage yesterday today, 122km. Start at 4 in the afternoon! A lot of "nothing to do" now Simon Geschke 10:00 Morning folks: just wake up with "White Stripes" song on my mind: "i just don't know what to do with my self, ta-ta" Jacopo Guarnieri 04:00 Valuable lesson learned this evening: do not taste/drink nice wine after taking fish oil capsules. Jonathan Vaughters Montag, 2. August 23:00 Today we worked for Benna but was a caotic sprint so: no way! Tomorrow come back and fight! Jacopo Guarnieri 21:00 Internet...I am back. Only had to pay 20 Euro for you! @hypem I've missed you. Oh and apparently...according to my twitter sources (you), all I need to replace my mother... is a wife. haha Now accepting applications =) Taylor Phinney 20:00 No bike for me for a while. Could be a week or a month doctor says. Janez Brajkovic 15:00 Watching clothes dry...thrilling action taking place. Life is much more difficult without my mother around let me tell you that! Taylor Phinney 15:00 Packing my bag and TT bike and change my whereabouts for the coming days: I ride the post tour of Denmark! Michel Kreder 13:00 As i said, the rest is good organised. There are not often start presents like that in other races http://twitpic.com/2axi7h Simon Geschke 12:00 Not getting better at all. At doctor's now, hopefully they can find&fix the problem. Janez Brajkovic 12:00 Ready for 2hr bike ride!it's so nice weather here on Garda Lake!and in afternoon I thing for 1time this year go to swimming pool! Roman Kreuziger 11:00 in the Tour of poland, 240km stage today and a late start means again dinner at 10.. But the rest of this race is very good organised. Simon Geschke Sonntag, 1. August 23:00 First one back for a while today, happy with 3rd, @jacopoguarnieri congrats, good future ahead from this bloke! Allan Davis 21:00 Just eating dinner after the stage today. A nice piano concerto by Chopin before the start. It was his hometown. a little history for ja. Björn Selander 21:00 Man, some people can jump really far...watching Euro track and field champs. Christian Meyer 21:00 Poland.Very relaxing race till 1.2k to go when everyone piled into the barriers. Hope all are ok. I'm still chunderbutt. Better days 2 come. Gregory Henderson 20:00 Stage one done here in Poland. Bunchsprint and à really big crash at the end. Now on our way to the hotel. Joost Posthuma 17:00 just home from 2.5hrs mtbing in forest w/ my son - he loves it. did some mad hills and jumps. not relly a recovery ride! Robbie McEwen 15:00 Back in Venice from Sam Sebastian,race was really hard and the legs and mean bad!next week a little relax! This evening getting w/t friends for dinner in Calmasino and after cake and ice-creame from Diego Visentini in Garda! Roman Kreuziger 12:00 In the room watchin speedway on tv with Bodi before first stage. Late start: 3pm! Jacopo Guarnieri 11:00 Next race vuelta!! Riding criterium in marcoles and dun le palestel next week Nicholas Roche 10:00 Just landed in denmark..! San Sebastian went better than I thought so hope I'm ready for tour of dk in a few days! Jakob Fuglsang Samstag, 31. Juli 21:00 First Hotel in Poland, all the teams are here, I think 4000 rooms are enough. This place is Massive! Björn Selander 20:00 Why's the story on Footon-Servetto's 50 million Euro sponsor not on cyclingnews or velonews.com? Odd. Is it because it's not true? Don't see a retraction from Cycling Weekly? Or is "Geox" Italian for "Remember Sony-Ericsson"? Is everybody hoping it's all a bad dream and the team that gave us Ricco and Piepoli didn't just get superwealthy? Gerard Vroomen 19:00 S.Sebastian done. 1st race after break&altitude. Too hard 2 b with guys who have been racing recently, but good day in long term perspective Marco Pinotti 19:00 Hard day in the saddle at San Sebastian.. was a good race but lost my legs towards the final.. was nice to see so many spectators out there John-Lee Augustyn 18:00 8th today, it seems I can't do a small group sprint! Got to work on that! Nicholas Roche 18:00 Thank you all for your support during the Tour!! I'm very happy to read all your tweets to me! Mark Cavendish 17:00 22 teams at the same hotel? One of the biggest hotels I've ever seen here in the middle of no where, in Poland.... Christian Meier 15:00 About to head out on my first ride since TDF. Time to get back to work. George Hincapie 09:00 Good morning to all!here is beautiful weather in San Sebastian. We are after breakfast and ready to go to depart!it can be long and hard day Roman Kreuziger 08:00 Giving some blood to the vampires here before San Sebastian. Glad they are testing. Steven Cozza 06:00 Solid week of training in the books and now on my way to Tour of Poland. Have heard all kinds of good things about this race! Tom Danielson Freitag, 30. Juli 22:00 Just finished up reading an article about my future! Appartley I'm joining the new Geox team next year! Michael Rogers 20:00 Just had a quick chat with my team mate from last year @tvangarderen88 at airport bilbao. See ya tomorrow bro! Michel Kreder 19:00 On my way to San Sebastian...not an easy place to get to and from. Gonna be interesting to see how the legs are tomorrow! Jakob Fulgsang 18:00 After 2 days of relax,today easy training with friends,only 1:30 with coffee.I feel good;-) Alberto Contador 17:00 short easy ride, lunch, washed bike (!) packing stuff to go to crit Heerlen. see u there if ur in the area Robbie McEwen 17:00 Giro 2011 back in Milan. TT for the last stage. Already a red circle on my calendar Marco Pinotti 15:00 Finished adjusting my whereabouts for the upcoming weeks. Koos Moerenhout 09:00 Wake up early,fly,fly again,LuxBurg Criterium and partyINoneDAY!Now waiting to fly to Frankfurt,then to Venice! Tonight fans club breafing:D Daniel Oss 08:00 Impressive lightning storm last night. Sadly it caused my flight to be delayed 6hours. All day airport adventure! Tejay van Garderen Donnerstag, 29. Juli 01:00 Stuck in airport and looks like I can't get home tonight. Worst feeling, after being away from fam so much this month. George Hincapie 22:00 Not a very good "off week" for me. Sick with cold and ear infection. On antibiotics. Gonna b the longest off bike period this year. Janez Brajkovic 20:00 Just killed some time looking at the forums on vorb.org.nz always entertaining! Sesse Sergent 14:00 Hanging out at TeamRadioShack service course w/ some staff, This place is very impressive! History is in the air. Depart for poland Saturday Björn Selander 11:00 ust leaving Biarritz for San Sebastian!Post TDF has been really nice..Can't believe all the excitement back in Canada ..thanks everyone!!! Ryder Hesjedal 11:00 whats happend with the summer ??? I would have liked in the TdF a few cooler days. But i enjoy the Rest. Andreas Klöden 11:00 Getting ready 4 a 2hour ride this morning than 1xtra hour with my Martine.2night my comeback on the crit in luxembourg after the crash.Nice Fränk Schleck 11:00 Nothing better than waking up to the sound of rain. Especially when you don't have to go training! Michael Rogers 10:00 Go out for 2hr ride before the travel for San Sebastian!yesterday evening had eat pizza from Alesandro in Camineto,I like so this place! Roman Kreuziger 09:00 On. The road with gun's roses...... Luxemburg i m coming! Time to' fly.. Again.. Daniel Oss Mittwoch, 28. Juli 22:00 @dzabriskie Congrats on the number 2. Christian Vande Velde 20:00 Ok so the Tiger that got away in RSA has been found 2 days after...I wanna know who or what has he eaten in his escape!! Gotta be something? Robert Hunter 17:00 Going home from hospital today with my new son! David Zabriskie 17:00 Nice welcome gift!big hugs to the kids in my street for this!!! http://tweetphoto.com/35393709 Andy Schleck 10:00 Roadtrip has started 3 hours ago. Maastricht here I come. Thanks to the people of the Bernina hospitz for all the good care the past weeks! Laurens ten Dam 10:00 Doing housekeeping with my girlfriend! Well... I'm starting to think that the Tourmalet wasn't that bad! Manuel Quinziato 09:00 doing my only post tour crit today evening in Germany, Tour de Neuss Simon Geschke Dienstag, 27. Juli 23:00 Picked the wrong day to stop drinking coffee. David Zabriskie 23:00 Hey everybody thursday i will make my comeback,first race after the crash, with my brother@andy_schleck criterium in luxembourg gala tdf. I m sure there is going to many many fans and supporters.i invite everybody to come to luxembourg thenicest city ever to come an support us Fränk Schleck 18:00 Just got a painting from my biggest Fan 8year old thanks Sigrid:) http://tweetphoto.com/35223730 Andy Schleck 17:00 Made it just in time...going to have a baby in the next few hours... David Zabriskie 13:00 Disneyland paris Nicholas Roche 13:00 my bro crashed in the Cascade Classic.he broke his wrist!he is coming back home in a view days,hopefully he can ride his bike soon Michel Kreder 12:00 Back at it; trying to get healthy. Know great people in the orthopedic world....prefer seeing them for social reasons.... Cadel Evans 12:00 Back at home for a day or 2. Next stop Girona, Spain tomorrow for a bit of house hunting. Brett Lancaster Montag, 26. Juli 23:00 Left my book on the plane, hurting!Jesse Sergent 22:00 Today was a hard but good day for me here in the tour wallone! It was the first of the 2 mountenstages! In the we with 70 guys. Tom Stamsnijder 18:00 6hrs today with a touch of 'strade bianca' thrown in! Richie Porte 18:00 back home, glad it's all over...so happy to see the kids. thanks to all for so much support thru a very long & tough 3 weeks of TdF Robbie McEwen 15:00 The crits I will do this year: Stiphout, Chaam, Wateringen and Draai van de Kaai (Roosendaal). Anyone there to cheer me on? Koen de Kort 13:00 Back in Italy,on the way to home in Bardolino!today evening I go to eat pizza or way to czech?!maybe better pizza! Roman Kreuziger 12:00 next uci bloodtest done. Robert Wagner 11:00 Feeling a bit tired today on the bike. I feel silly complaining of being tired right after my friends just finished the TDF. Tejay van Garderen 10:00 TdF 2010 has gone. Yesterday the party was cool with live performance of N.E.R.D. Thanks to Ryder Hejsedal for the passes! Today a walk in Paris as a pure tourist. Tomorrow home! I need some rest then I'll start thinking at last part of season! Manuel Quinziato 10:00 My first Tour-unforgettable, honored to be a part of @teamradioshack. Thank you fans, sponsors, staff, directors, team mates. Janez Brajkovic 09:00 Today playng touriste in paris, love this city Nicholas Roche 09:00 Building sand castles, soaking up my family, free divin', 12 ounce curls, livin' strong and carefree. #todolist Lance Armstrong -> NewsFlash-Archiv der 1. Tour-Woche -> NewsFlash-Archiv der 2. Tour-Woche -> NewsFlash-Archiv der 3. Tour-Woche |
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